Monday, November 30, 2009

Book Review: Seaside Letters

A young woman running from poor judgement, a young man falling in love, searching for the woman he know is hidden under the tough exterior layer.
The last thing Sabrina Kincaid wants to do is find the woman Tucker McCabe has fallen in love with through an internet chat room. But to refuse is to put herself in a worse bind- because that woman is her! And Tucker holds the key to her worst secret, a secret if revealed will ruin their "relationship" for eternity.
I don't even have words to truly praise this book. It was simply incredible! I finished the story in a matter of days and left hungry for more. This story has it all. Romance, intrigue, memorable characters, who have trials, ones you pray will overcome. Denise Hunter has done a marvelous job on this novel, you can tell she poured her whole heart into the story. The action between hero and heroine is believable and alive, filled with strife and the slow growth of love. The book is rift with conflict, the kind that pulls you to the edge of your seat and won't let go There are times you don't think it will ever turn out, but when you reach the last page, you are satisfied and sad the story is over. I can't say enough good things about this book, it has quickly become my favorite of 2009 published novels! Highly recommended!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

On today where being thankful should be at the forefront of all our minds, what are you most thankful for? I am thankful for my health, the ability to study my writing with a supportive family surrounding me and the presence of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ in my life. (Not in that particular order)

I believe that so often we are more consumed with making sure the turkey is cooked just right, the yams have enough brown sugar and the pumpkin pies have set, to truly be thankful. Sure, we get to eat a big meal, but where did that come from in the first place?

We all know the story of the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock, losing a great deal of lives to sickness, the Indians assisting them and finally have prosperity in the New World. To celebrate their success they cooked a feast and were thankful... to whom? They thanked God for His provision, His caring love.

On today when you sit down to a table loaded with stuffing, potatoes, gravy, pies, look around the table at the people sharing it. Take a moment before digging in to give thanks to God. You wouldn’t be here celebrating if not for His provision. Don’t save all your thanks for this one day in November, continue to practice a thankful heart the whole year long. Let each day be filled with thanksgiving.

Thank you God for this day, may we be always aware of Your hand in our lives. With a thankful heart, we praise You, Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to put the thanks back in Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Book Review: Love Finds You in Holiday, Florida

Cassie Constantine is bound and determined to do something she has never done before, but isn’t sure how to go about it. Traveling to sunny Holiday, Florida to sell her late husband’s vacation home, she encounters more than she bargains. Quirky, lovable neighbors, two hideous plastic flamingos and a handsome distraction- none of which she wants. But with their gentle guidance, she discovers the qualities she always thought were hidden, just needed a little excavation.

Sandra D. Bricker has a wonderful sense of humor and knows how to incorporate it into a novel. A fun, easy read, it will keep you laughing and smiling all the way to the end. The development of characters was great, their conflict and interaction is fun to read and sizzled from the page. It’s an upbeat read that will leave you cheering until the last page is turned, I loved every moment! Highly recommended!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Presenting... The Raven Saint!

Have you ever been really excited about a new release from your favorite author? That's how I am about The Raven Saint, due to release in January. I can't wait to get my own copy and bury myself in a truly thrilling tale. M.L. (MaryLu) Tyndall, has a marvelous way of putting words on paper. Of causing the images and characters to leap from the page and straight into the reader's heart. Many a time I will completely ingnore my chores or resposibilities just to visit the world she creates. The action, the drama, all of it invites the reader to never lay the book aside until the last page is turned.
This is the third book in the Charles Towne Belle series. I have read and own the other two, The Red Siren and The Blue Enchantress. The characters continue to resond even now, months down the road after finished those books. Did I mention I am really excited for this third release??
Here is the back blurb from the book. It sounds just as promising as the other two!
When Grace Westcott is kidnapped by a French mercenary, tossed aboard his ship, and told she will be sold to a Spanish Don in Columbia, she cannot imagine what she has done to deserve such a horrid fate. She has spent her entire life serving God and helping the poor, not to mention trying to save the souls of her two wayward sisters. Thinking perhaps God has sent her to preach to the vile captain and his crew, Grace's every attempt to correct their sinful ways is rewarded with only mockery. When Grace's situation grows far worse than she could imagine, she is forced to face her own human weaknesses. But she isn't prepared to face her biggest weakness of all-falling in love with the nefarious captain, Rafe Dubois.
Captain Rafe Dubois hates nothing more than a religious pretence of piety. Fleeing a home of abuse and betrayal under the thumb of his self-righteous father, he became a mercenary upon the Caribbean. There isn't any job, no matter how vile, he won't undertake in order to amass the fortune he needs to build a hospital for the poor in his home town of Port-de-Paix. The praises of the people fill a craving in his soul for the self-worth and value he never received from his father, while giving him a sense of purpose for his otherwise reckless life. That is, until he meets the saintly Miss Grace Westcott who continually berates his every move.
What will become of these two? Oh, January is so very far away!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Looking for something good to read?

This is a great list (borrowed from Therese Stenzel) from everything from Christian to mainstream fiction. I was one of the writers polled and thought this was a great idea for an overall list for 2009 There is something for everyone!


Compiled by Therese Stenzel

Other books lists at

I polled a bunch of writers and asked what was the one book that they read this year that they can’t stop thinking about. I asked for all genres, secular, inspirational and this is the alphabetical list I compiled from their answers. Writers are very discriminating and know good writing when they see it so you can take this book list to the bookstore and know you are getting great fiction. Happy reading!

TOP SEVEN (These got multiple votes)

A Passion Denied by Julie Lessman x3

A Prisoner of Versailles by Golden Parsons x2

Symphony of Secrets by Sharon Hinck x2

The Familiar Stranger by Christina Berry x2

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Schaffer & Annie Barrows X3

The Help by Kathryn Stockett x2

The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner x2


An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon

Arena by Karen Hancock

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

A Vow to Cherish by Deborah Raney

Boneman's Daughters by Ted Dekker

Cottonwood Whispers by Jennifer Erin Valent

Danger at the Door by Michelle Sutton

Firebird by Kathy Tyers

Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell

Havah: The Story of Eve by Tosca Lee

Home Another Way by Christa Parrish

In the Shadow of Lions by Ginger Garrett

Just Another Girl by Melody Carlson

Love Finds You in Liberty Indiana by Melanie Dobson
Love's Pursuit by Siri Mitchell

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

Raising Rain by Debbie Fuller Thomas

Scared by Tom Davis
So Not Happening by Jenny B. Jones

Stand-In Groom by Kaye Dacus

Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove

The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen

The Blue Enchantress by M.L. Tyndall

The Case Of The Bouncing Grandma by A.K. Arenz

The Firstborn by Conlan Brown
The Passion of Mary Margaret by Lisa Samson

The Shack by William P. Young

The Sound of Sleigh Bells by Cindy Woodsmall

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneggar

Things Left Unspoken by Eva Marie Everson

Through the Fire by Shawn Grady

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Tribute by Nora Roberts

Try Dying by James Scott Bell

Tuesday Night at the Blue Moon by Debbie Fuller Thomas

Ulterior Motives by Mark Andrew Olsen
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen

Whispers on the Bayou by Mindy Starnes Clark

Zora & Nicky by Claudia Mair Burney

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Greetings everyone!

I hope you are ready for a crazy ride! I have just started a brand new blog and I am so excited to share my thoughts, a book review, maybe even a interview of some of today's top Christian authors! I hope you visit often and you will enjoy the ride as much as I plan to.