Friday, July 29, 2011

Cold Call Friday with DiAnn Mills! (and a giveaway!!)

Welcome DiAnn, to your “Cold Call” interview!! For those of you who don’t know what the “Cold Call” feature is, at the beginning of the month I have a poll, the winning author YOU then get to interview!! DiAnn Mills won this month’s vote and I am thrilled to present her here with YOUR questions. Without any further ado, heeeerrrre’s DiAnn!

In all your research on the FBI & its agents, have you ever gone on an assignment with any of them?
No - It’s against protocol; however, I’d love it! I did ride the line with the Border Patrol in McAllen, TX, which was a fabulous experience.

What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
That would be my trip to Juba, Southern Sudan. I went to research a novel accompanied by a woman from Kenya who was familiar with the area. Let’s just say, I had a couple of memorable experiences!

How do you brainstorm? In front of the computer screen? Outside staring into space? With a bowl of ice cream on the couch?

Cooking and gardening. Both free up my mind so I can wander into the character’s world and see how he/she reacts and responds to what is happening. Of course I’ve burned a few dinners and missed a few weeds in the process.

What's your favorite place that you've visited while doing research for your books?

Tough question! I have a few . . .
1.    Juba, Sudan. I learned so much about the people, the culture, and myself. A little dangerous at times, but God took good care of me.

2.    McAllen, TX when I rode the line with the Border Patrol. I saw the heart of the agents, their compassion for the illegals, the danger, and their commitment. The research helped me write a novel that won a Christy in 2011.

3.    Houston’s FBI office. Whoa! That was exciting.

What's the closest thing to a story-type adventure that you've had in "real life"?
Raising boys as a single mom? :)

When I was in Juba, I hired a young man to drive me and my companion all over the city. I wanted to see the city and venture out as far as he deemed was safe. His rules were I had to keep my door locked and my window rolled up. While in the middle of the city, the car was surrounded by other vehicles—cars, trucks and motorcycles—as though we were a bicycle hub and the vehicles were spokes. The driver told me not to worry, that he’d get the car out of the mess safely. While we were penned in, a man attempted to open my door four times. Didn’t think about the real danger until later.

At the end of the Sudan visit, I took an African safari to the Masai Mara in Kenya - by myself. Loved the birds and animals, the Hemingway type of tents, the people - all of it. Oh, coffee and ginger cookies were delivered to my tent early in the morning. The experience was incredible! Lots of pics to prove it. I remember a bull elephant charging the jeep I was riding. Got a super pic of that. 

If you had another life to live, and you could be anything you wanted to be, what you be? (thinking mostly career here, but you can answer however you want : )

FBI agent. :) Not a desk job either, but an investigator of Public Corruption or possibly Crimes against Children. 

And for all your loyal and eager fans (and possibly even a few news ones today) where can they stalk you online?

Hey readers, it's Casey here again! Earlier this month, DiAnn won the CHRISTY AWARD for her novel Sworn to Protect. Leave a comment here today to enter to win a copy of that book! I'll announce the winner next Friday. Don't forget to cast your vote for our next Cold Call Author!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Review: Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa by Melanie Dobson

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa
Summerside Press (June 1, 2011)
Melanie Dobson

Melanie Dobson is the award-winning author of The Black Cloister; Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana; and Together for Good, and she has now authored nine contemporary and historical novels including Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania which releases in November 2011.  

Prior to launching Dobson Media Group in 1999, Melanie was the corporate publicity manager at Focus on the Family where she was responsible for the publicity of events, products, films, and TV specials. Melanie received her undergraduate degree in journalism from Liberty University and her master's degree in communication from Regent University. She has worked in the fields of publicity and journalism for fifteen years including two years as a publicist for The Family Channel.

Melanie and her husband, Jon, met in Colorado Springs in 1997 at Vanguard Church. Jon works in the field of computer animation. Since they've been married, the Dobsons have relocated numerous times including stints in Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Colorado, Berlin, and Southern California. These days they are enjoying their new home in the Pacific Northwest.
Jon and Melanie have adopted their two daughters —Karly (6) and Kinzel (5). When Melanie isn't writing or entertaining their girls, she enjoys exploring ghost towns and dusty back roads, traveling, hiking, line dancing, and reading inspirational fiction.

With a backdrop of the community of The Amana Colonies, the Civil War, and a great love story, Melanie Dobson’s new historical fiction title LOVE FINDS YOU IN AMANA, IOWA both enlightening and entertaining.

The novel is set in the United States during the turmoil of the 1860s. As the rest of the nation is embroiled in the Civil War, the Amana Colonies have remained at peace with a strong faith in God and pursuit of community, intertwined with hard work, family life and the building of their colony.

Amalie Wiese is travelling to the newly built village of Amana in 1863. When she arrives in the colonies she finds that her fiancée, Friedrich has left to fight with the Union Army. Amalie fears for his safety as she also struggles with his decision to abandon the colony’s beliefs. Matthias, Frederick’s friend, stays back in Amana to work in the colonies. But there is something wrong with Matthias; he always seems angry at Amalie when there is no simple explanation for him to act that way.

The goods that colonies manufacture are much needed supplies for the war effort and Matthias decides to deliver the goods to the soldiers. When he leaves, Amalie realizes that her fear for Matthias’s safety is equally as strong. What will become of Friedrich, will Matthias return safely, and will Amalie marry Friedrich? LOVE FINDS YOU IN AMANA, IOWA is a richly told story of life in the Amana Society and the people who live and love there.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa, go HERE.

My Review:

“Love Finds You in Amana, Iowa” is a love story (ha! that might be obvious ;-), a story of courage and triumph and a story of overcoming life’s obstacles, some of which we tend to create.

The book starts off from the viewpoint of three characters, the heroine and what seems to be two heroes. This always throws me a little bit, because I’m unsure which one the heroine is going to “go with”, but I also love this plot twist and I personally think it makes the ending more unpredictable.

The story included one of my favorite eras of American history, the Civil War. I loved the scenes from the viewpoint of Friedrich as he fights in the Union army and his struggles of coming from the peace loving Amanas to a bloody war.

There is great tension between Amalie and Matthias, though it can prove to be frustrating at times as they work through struggles they allowed to crop their way.

Though the story was good, I found there were times my mind would wander. Not for long and I would quickly come back to the story, but it wasn’t quite the “escape” I search for in a book.

But I still think this is a good book. It has a great setting, unique character background and a sweet love story that fits well into the “Love Finds You” line.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers through CFBA for my copy to review.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CHECK OUT the Carol Award Finalists!!

Every year ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) holds a contest for their published authors. This year I was a judge for the Carol Awards (can't tell you which ones I judged (if any) below, but I CAN tell you, this is one AWESOME list! Check out these novels (and don't forget to wish the authors congrats!!)

Debut Novel:
The Preacher’s Bride by Jody Hedlund (Bethany House - Dave Long/Sharon Asmus, Editors)
Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes (Tyndale Publishers - Kathryn Olson, Editor)
Rooms by James L. Rubart (B&H Publishing - Julee Schwarzburg, Editor)

Long Contemporary:
The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher (Revell - Andrea Doering, Editor)
Red Ink by Kathi Macias (New Hope Publishers - Randy Bishop, Editor)
Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate (Bethany House - Dave Long, Editor)

Long Contemporary Romance:
Plain Jayne by Hillary Manton Lodge (Harvest House - Kim Moore, Editor)
Anna’s Return by Marta Perry (Berkley - Ellen Edwards, Editor)
Plain Paradise by Beth Wiseman (Thomas Nelson - Natalie Hanemann, Editor)

Long Historical:
Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs (Waterbrook Press - Laura Barker, Editor)
Petra: City in Stone by T.L. Higley (B&H Publishing - Karen Ball, Editor)
Sons of Thunder by Susan May Warren (Summerside Press – Susan Downs, Editor)

Long Historical Romance:
The Husband Tree by Mary Connealy (Barbour - Rebecca Germany, Editor)
Love Finds You In Homestead, Iowa by Melanie Dobson (Summerside - Rachel Meisel/Connie Troyer, Editors)
Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz (Revell - Andrea Doering, Editor)

Mirrored Image by Alice K. Arenz (Sheaf House - Joan M. Shoup, Editor)
Muslin Mystery by Vera Dodge (Guideposts - Beth Adams, Editor)
The Camera Never Lies by Elizabeth Goddard (Barbour – Rebecca Germany, Editor)

The Prodigal Groom by Vickie McDonough (Barbour – Rebecca Germany, Editor)
Ride With Me Into Christmas by Rachael Phillips (Barbour – Rebecca Germany, Editor)
A Trusting Heart by Carrie Turansky (Barbour – Rebecca Germany, Editor)

Romantic Suspense:
The Silent Order by Melanie Dobson (Summerside Press - Rachel Meisel/Susan Downs/Ellen Tarver, Editors)
Don’t Look Back by Lynette Eason (Revell - Andrea Doering, Editor)
Pursuit of Justice by DiAnn Mills (Tyndale Publishers - Karen Watson, Editor)

Short Contemporary:
The Wedding Garden by Linda Goodnight (Love Inspired - Allison Lyons)
A Father for Zach by Irene Hannon (Love Inspired - Melissa Endlich, Editor)
Winter’s End by Ruth Logan Herne (Love Inspired - Melissa Endlich, Editor)

Short Contemporary Suspense:
Night Prey by Sharon Dunn (Love Inspired Suspense - Emily Rodmell, Editor)
Legacy of Lies by Jill Elizabeth Nelson (Love Inspired Suspense - Emily Rodmell, Editor)
Firestorm by Kelly Ann Riley (Love Inspired Suspense - Tina James, Editor)

Short Historical:
Her Healing Ways by Lyn Cote (Love Inspired Historical - Tina James, Editor)
Promise of Tomorrow by S. Dionne Moore (Barbour - JoAnne Simmons, Editor)
The Columns of Cottonwood by Sandra Robbins (Barbour - JoAnne Simmons, Editor)

Speculative Fiction:
The Wolf of Tebron by C. S. Lakin (AMG Publishers - Rick Steele, Editor)
Rooms by James L. Rubart (B&H Publishing - Julee Schwarzburg, Editor)
König’s Fire by Marc Schooley (Marcher Lord Press – Jeff Gerke, Editor)

Predator by Terri Blackstock (Zondervan - Sue Brower/Dave Lambert, Editors)
Fear No Evil by Robin Caroll (B&H Publishing – Karen Ball, Editor)
Medical Error by Richard L. Mabry (Abingdon Press – Barbara Scott, Editor)

Women’s Fiction:
Beaded Hope by Cathy Liggett (Tyndale Publishers - Jan Stob/Lorie Popp, Editors)
They Almost Always Come Home by Cynthia Ruchti (Abingdon – Barbara Scott, Editor)
Beyond Summer by Lisa Wingate (NAL - Ellen Edwards, Editor)

Young Adult:
Anything But Normal by Melody Carlson (Revell - Lonnie Hull Dupont, Editor)
The Healer’s Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson (Zonderkidz - Jacque Alberta, Editor)
Katy’s New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer (Zonderkidz - Jacque Alberta, Editor)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: Night of the Cossack

Welcome to Writing for Christ Thomas Blubaugh, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know? 

I like burned popcorn. Don’t ask me why. I’ve liked everything well done, even crispy, all my life.  

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write? 

Historical fiction. I wasn’t a fan of history as a child/student, but when I started researching for my book Night of the Cossack, which takes place in Russian and Europe, I found history intriguing.  

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing? 

Interesting question. I have written nonfiction most of my life. When I started writing fiction I found it much harder. It pulled out the creativity in me. That being said, it didn’t necessarily change my view of writing. However, the process of getting my name known and getting my book before the public has been a great challenge. I’ve found that writing is only one part of being a publisher author. For me, the easiest part. 

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

First, the thought of giving readers a good, clean story. Second, the doors that have opened for me to speak in schools to creative writing classes and writing groups. I love talking to young people and encourage them to develop their God given talents. Third, getting to know other authors and writers.

Places for readers to learn more about you? 

Thank you for being with us today!
Readers, here is your chance to enter to win Thomas's book, Night of the Cossack
Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.

For extra entries:

~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on August 5th

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wings of Promise Winner AND a Giveaway of My Own. : -)

The winner of Bonnie Leon's Wings of Promise is...

Megan! (lovetoread205...)

She has been contacted and has one week to get back with me. Thanks for stopping by to enter!

AND I am over at Keli Gwyn's blog until Monday July 25th with a giveaway (shown below). Stop by to leave your comment (and find out what kind of shoe I am. : - )). Hope to see you there!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hopeless Romantic? Click Here! ~ Never the Bride by Cheryl Mckay and Rene Gutteridge ~ Review

I loved this book, I read it in one afternoon I loved it so much.

I really wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the premise. A 30 something woman who can’t fall in love embarks on a romance with God – in the flesh – here on earth!

Could the authors pull it off??

Oh. Yeah.

This book is fantastic! So good in fact I want to read it over and over. What I loved so much is the authors never put words in God’s mouth. All the examples of what God did in the story can be found in scripture as relating to the God we serve.

As a young woman who is a hopeless romantic and can sometimes wait most impatiently for Mr. Right, I wanted to fall deeper in love with God. “Never the Bride” pushed me to trust and love deeper with my God, to give my love story writing back to Him.

I wish I could go on and on! The book has humor (I haven’t laughed this much from a book since Janice Thompson’s Bella), it has character, it has charm. And the HERO?? Ladies, take my word for it: this is one awesome hero.

And not only that, it has a message the young (and maybe not so young) hopeless romantics need to read.

Who can’t help but fall in love with a hero as amazing as our Lord and Savior??

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


About the book...

Rene Gutteridge
Cheryl McKay
Eleven Bridesmaid Dresses Don’t Lie

Since she was just a little girl, Jessie Stone dreamed up hundreds of marriage proposals, doodled the romantic ideas in her journal with her treasured purple pen, and fantasized about wedding dresses and falling in love. She’s been a bridesmaid nearly a dozen times, waved numerous couples off to sunny honeymoons, and shopped in more department stores for half-price fondue pots than she cares to remember.

But shopping for one key component of these countless proposals hasn't been quite as productive–a future husband. The man she thought she would marry cheated on her. The crush she has on her best friend Blake is at very best…well, crushing. And speed dating has only churned out memorable horror stories.

So when God shows up one day, in the flesh, and becomes a walking, talking part of her life, Jessie is skeptical. What will it take to convince her that the Almighty has a better plan than one she’s already cooked up in her journals? Can she turn over her pen and trust someone else to craft a love story beyond her wildest dreams?

Can be found on Amazon and CBD
Read the HILARIOUS first chapter here


Will you please rate my review? This allows me to continue to provide quality Christian fiction reviews. Also, you will NOT be spammed by inserting your email. I have rated other's reviews and received no negative affects (feel free to un-check the box if you don't care to receive their newsletter). Thank you SO much! :-))

Chattin' with Author Janice Hanna Thompson

Please tell us three random things we might not know about you.

My dad was the president of the University of Houston Cougar Cagers Club, so my birthdays, holidays, etc. were spent at basketball games. Our family traveled to Mexico with the U of H Cougars to watch them compete, which was great fun. When I was eleven, I got to play (for fun, of course) with the Harlem Globetrotters, who came to Houston for a visit. To this day, I love a good basketball game. 

I once lied to a fellow camper at church camp, telling her that my dad (Billy Hanna) was William Hanna of Hanna/Barbara (Flintstones) fame. That lie still haunts me, though, to his credit, my dad did eventually work as a movie producer on our co-authored movie, Liar’s Moon. (Yes, it’s true. I got to meet and work with Matt Dillon. Eat your heart out, girls!) 

I occasionally bake wedding cakes. In 2009 I baked a lovely four-tiered white cake with strawberry filling and cream cheese frosting that toppled less than an hour before the wedding. I managed to piece together two very messy/ugly layers. Thankfully, the bride did not murder me. It made for a great scene in a later book. (Nothing ever gets wasted, not even a mashed piece of cake.)

Please tell us a bit more about the plot of Love Finds You in Groom, Texas.

Always the groomsman, never the groom… It’s 1914, and Jake O’Farrell has gained an unusual reputation among the locals: He’s played the roles of groomsman and best man in all four of his older brothers’ weddings, but he’s never been able to find the woman to capture his heart. And now with the upcoming wedding of his best friend, Jake will become the last single man in the town of Groom.  

Anne Denning has made the difficult decision to move with her sisters to Texas, but a train derailment forces them to seek shelter in Groom, near Amarillo. Mrs. O’Farrell, hopeful that Anne will catch her youngest son’s eye, invites the girls to stay at her home until the train is repaired and ready to pull out. Anne has no idea of the blissful chaos that lies ahead!

Why did you decide to write this story?

My editor at Summerside approached me with the name of the town because she knows I write a lot of wedding-themed stories. She wanted something lightweight/fun, and she knew me well enough to know I would enjoy a fun story. The only real question we had in the beginning stage was: “Should this be a historical or a contemporary?” We went with historical because I felt sure the story idea was better suited to the turn of the century.  

I notice you write under two names (Janice Hanna and Janice Thompson). Why?

Those who’ve been reading my romances over the past several years know me as Janice A. Thompson. My joy is mixed with a smidgeon of sorrow as I explain the change in my last name for some of my current releases. In 2006 I lost my father to bone marrow cancer. His last name (Hanna) is my maiden name—and it’s a name that means even more to me now that he is gone. In memory of my father, I use the Hanna name in my historicals. My Revell books will still release under Janice Thompson. I hope you my readers will stick with me, no matter which name I use!
What are you working on now?

I just turned in Love Finds You in Daisy, Oklahoma, a fun historical about a single woman in her late 30’s who moves from the Gulf Coast to the landlocked state of Oklahoma to become the director at an orphanage. It’s a love story, of course! She falls in love with the town sheriff, who has adopted two of the unruliest boys from the orphanage. I’m currently writing Wedding Belles, the first book in the Belles and Whistles series for Summerside/Guideposts.

Where can I get the book?

Love Finds You in Groom, Texas can be purchased at any number of online stores, as well as my website: (front page). Readers can always join my VIP bookclub and get the locked in price of $11 (no shipping) by contacting me directly at

Where else can readers find you online?
I love to connect with my readers at the following places:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Will There Ever Be the Day Every Word Will Be Written??

Rachelle Gardner recently left this tweet: Will there ever come a day when every movie has been made, every song has been sung, every book has been written?

Being the thinker I tend to be, my mind instantly started chewing over this thought.

Is it possible?

Could it really happen that everything be written that could possibly be written someday?

After all, there are no new plots. We all are variations of each other in our writings, and all ultimately lead back to the Bible, the origin of all plots ever dreamt.

But could Rachelle's thought have a grain of truth and every song, sung? Ever movie made? Ever word written?

And my answer...?


Not as long as man kind walks on this earth. Each and every person is unique. If I had given this post to five other bloggers and asked them to answer it, I would have gotten 5 completely different posts. Maybe the same answer, but no one could write this post like I can.

We can become discouraged when it comes to our writing. Someone else is writing a story like that or a book just hit the market that sounds just like our story and we want to give up. I mean, why keep going when that venue has already been exhausted?

But the thing is...NO ONE can tell your story like YOU. You have a creative force and a drive to write this story or sing this song or make this movie for whatever reason and it doesn't matter what the market is doing, it's a matter of what YOU are driven to create.

The comforting thing with creating something is it can NEVER be exhausted. Yes, there might come a time when opportunities will dry and fail to be viable, but do YOU believe in what you are doing?

Then continue. Press on. Don't quit. Because no one is like you. No one can do exactly what you are doing.

Take comfort in that knowledge. When opportunities seem to be darkening and you want to quit, remember no one else can write this story.

And someone has to tell it. It might as well be you.

**Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Novel for History Buffs ~ Look to the East by Maureen Lang ~ Review

This book definitely takes you into that period of history that was so rife with conflict. The characters are put into situations that you know and understand the difficulties. Tension and drama abound in the war-torn setting.
I would have liked more dialogue. At times I became lost in all the introspection or description and would have really liked to “live” the story more through the dialogue between characters.

I did enjoy the love story between the hero and heroine. As the interest between the two of them grew and as they had to sneak about to keep it hidden from enemy soldiers, I couldn’t help but feel for their struggles.

The ending is well done and sweet. I honestly did not know how they were going to get out of their seemingly hopeless situation. The tension was strong and I held my breath for those final pages and as I got closer and closer to the end I was nervous about how it would close. It was more than satisfying.

Aside from being confusing and a bit wordy at times, it’s a good historical story that I think history buffs more than anything will enjoy.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.\

~*~More about the novel~*~

At the dawn of the First World War, the French provincial village of Briecourt is isolated from the battles, but the century-old feud between the Toussaints and the de Colvilles still rages in the streets. When the German army sweeps in to occupy the town, families on both sides of the feud must work together to protect stragglers caught behind enemy lines.
Julitte Toussaint may have been adopted from a faraway island, but she feels the scorn of the de Colvilles as much as anyone born a Toussaint. So when she falls in love with one of the stragglers—a wealthy and handsome Belgian entrepreneur—she knows she’s playing with fire. Charles Lassone hides in the cellar of the Briecourt church, safe from the Germans for the moment. But if he’s discovered, it will bring danger to the entire village and could cost Charles his life.

**If this book interests you, I have a copy available for swap on my Swap book page at the top and right to your screen. :-)**

Monday, July 18, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: In Honor Bound

Welcome to Writing for Christ DeAnna Dodson, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know? 

I’m a wannabe director.  I think that’s why I like to write.  I can have as many wonderful sets and costumes and special effects as I can imagine without worrying about the cost. I can get my “actors” to do what I want (mostly), and I can have them keep working on a scene until it’s right.  They never get tired or lose their tempers and walk off the set. 

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?   

I love almost anything historical.  Okay, maybe not as far back as the cavemen, but anything from the Roman Empire up to WWII can be a wonderful read.  I am especially taken with the middle ages and with the 1920s and ‘30s – especially the classic mysteries of Christie, Sayers and Allingham.  The American Civil War, the Victorian Era and the Regency are also special favorites.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

At some point you have to just sit down and write.  Planning and researching and brainstorming are wonderful, but they are absolutely worthless if you don’t finally get the actual story on paper.  Just get it down.  You can edit anything that doesn’t work, but you can’t edit a blank page. 

What do you enjoy most about being a published author? 

I love seeing something I wrote actually in print, seeing it in the store, even seeing it on various online sites for sale.  It’s like seeing a lot of really hard work actually pay off.

Places for readers to learn more about you?
The best place is my website:
That’s where they can find out a little about me and my four fur-babies, my needlework and my favorite hockey team.  So far I’ve managed to work some sort of handcrafts and at least one cat into each of my books.  I haven’t yet figured out how to bring professional ice hockey to the middle ages.

Thank you for being with us today!
It’s been a pleasure.  Thanks for having me.

Readers, here is your chance to enter to win DeAnna's book!

Please leave an email adddress! If I draw your name and there is no email, you will not win.
For extra entries:
~Be a follower
~Be a subscriber

Contest is only open in the U.S. and void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on July 29

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eye Candy for the Socially Book Worm Challenged

You all know what I mean. Us book worms and lovers of all things great fiction start to drool when new covers hit the web. We "ooo" and "aaahhh" over our favorites and with thanks to Rel at Relz Reviewz I had to share some of my favorites with you!

Song of My Heart by Kim Vogel Sawyer (love, love, love this author!!)

Sweeter Than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliott (loved her first one, can't wait for book 2!)

In Too Deep by Mary Connealy (okay we all know Mary can write a great book, right?)

The Messenger by Siri Mitchell (ack! The wait for Siri's books are always too long)

The Fiddler by Beverly Lewis (this one might be my favorite of ALL of them!)

Sixty Acres and a Bride by Regina Jennings (a debut author, there is something about this cover that keeps bringing me back)

The Scent of Cherry Blossoms by Cindy Woodsmall (love this cover! So peaceful and invites the eye)

You can find more cover love on Rel's blog (which I am now following!)

Which one is YOUR favorite???

Friday's Note:
The winner of Patty Smith Hall's Hearts in Flight is...


Thanks for coming by to enter everyone, it is appreciate by both the author and myself!