Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blog Awards!

Wow, thank you so much to Ashley W. at After all... tomorrow is another day for passing on these two lovely awards. They are my first for this blog and I was pretty excited! The first is the Circle of Friends award. I have to write five things I love and then pass this award on to five other people. (If I presented you with this award, simply right click, save it as a photo and then put it on your site with the five things you love- then pass it on to five other bloggers)

Five things I love to do: (in no particular order)
1: Read! (big surprise there :)
2: Knit (I love to create things I or someone in my family can wear)
3: Writing

4: Scrapbook

5: Spend time with family and friends

The five people I am going to pass this on to is:

1: Cara at The Law Books and Life

2: Tiffany at A Fiction Filled Life

3: Tamera at Write Perspectives

4: Lena at A Christian Writer's World

5: The ladies at Seekerville

My second award is:

I am supposed to pass this on to 15 blogs I have recently discovered. I haven't found 15, but I have a few, so here they are...

1: The ladies at Seekerville

2: Sandi at Sandi Rog

3: Cami at Cami's Loft

4: Colletta at Colletta's Kitchen Sink

5: Carmen at A Sequence of Continuous Delights

6: Susan at Journeys of Love...Inspired by Faith

That's all I've got, and I will let the recipents know soon (hopefully today :) (If you were presented with this award, post it on your site and then pass it on to 15 other blogs you have recently discovered- if you don't have 15 don't worry)

Again thanks, Ashley- I appreciate you thinking of me!


  1. Wow! Thanks, Casey! What an honor! Thank you SO much for thinking of me. What an honor! Blessings to you!

  2. Wow, thank you, Casey! I'm honored that you chose me. :-)

  3. I am glad you like it. I was excited to pass them on! Happy New Year!!

  4. Sorry it's taken me a while to stop by and see your blog, Casey. But I'm so glad you like the awards.Their always fun to get and give out:~)
    Happy New Year,


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)