Monday, December 21, 2009

What fires your inspiration?

Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. Mine comes in the form of pretty much any book on writing, written from the Christian viewpoint. I recently purchased A Novel Idea a book formed from the creative minds of today’s top leading authors. I open to the first page and am immediately immersed with the Christian faith and how our fiction should always parallel the greatest story ever told. Nothing fires my ambition more than reading a book written by a Christian on how to write Christian fiction.
I think the reason it drives me the way it does, is because I feel connected with these writers, they understand the struggle of the human condition, and how to point out our character’s faults in relation to the Bible. I struggle with conventional how- to- write books, not just because of the use of four letter words, but because I am not writing in the same market, my motivation lies elsewhere and it doesn’t include four letter words.

Now while certainly writers in today’s mainstream fiction will have wonderful advice to share (and I use it), they won’t often share my faith, hence they don’t fire my ambition as strongly as Christian writers do. Nothing encourages or inspires me more than to read a paragraph of wisdom shared from the fruits of these writer’s labors on how gratifying it is to write for our Lord and Savior.

Inspiration comes to whatever career you are placed in. What motivates you to do the craft the Master has designed for you? What do you hear, read, see, that reaffirms your place in that chosen field? Now that you know, take that motivation and go lay it at the Master’s feet.

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