Thursday, January 28, 2010

Book Review: Beneath a Southern Sky

A missionary wife, widowed in the jungle, leaves for the states, mourning her husband’s loss. But after two years pass, bringing with it the birth of her daughter, Danica moves on and remarries, only to have her “dead” husband reappear from the grave.

The description of this book really made me sit and up listen. How could a story with this magnitude be brought to a satisfying conclusion?

Deborah Raney is a masterful storyteller, bringing to life characters and their situations until you feel as if you stand beside them, battling their same struggles. My heart just broke several times during the novel, hurting so desperately for the situations Danica found herself in. I read this book in a little over a day unable to put it down until the last page was turned and as I put the book on my “keeper” shelf, all I could think about was leaving those characters, their situations and all they had been through. And the ending, one I never say coming, never could have predicted. This book is truly a stunning example of masterful storytelling. The kind that will “stick to you” and continue to reel you in with its marvelous craft and lesson. A must read for all fiction lovers, you will not be disappointed in this novel!


  1. I've only read one of Deborah's books but I absolutely loved it and this one is already on my wishlist! I'm glad to read that it's good too!

    xoxo~ Renee

  2. Oh, Renee, you absolutely get this book! It will be one of the best books you will ever buy!

  3. Hi Casey....This is a book that I really want to read. Do you have it or do you know where I can buy it? I have heard about this book and it looks really good. I love your blog and you are doing a great job.

    I can't wait to see what your future holds. The possibilities are endless.

    Love ya. Jana


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