Saturday, January 30, 2010

Book Review: Plain Pursuit

Carley Marek is forced to take a vacation by her boss, so she heads for Pennsylvania Dutch country and her Amish reformed friend. Entering the tranquil countryside and community of the Amish soon proves to be anything, but relaxing. From a shunning no one wants to forgive to a dying child in need of a kidney transplant, Carley is about to discover what she never expected to find.

I hate clichéd Amish stories and there are so many out there. But, I am so thrilled to share with you a simply wonderful story. A tale fresh with new perspective on the Amish culture. I am a huge stickler when it comes to getting facts right on the Amish, but Beth Wiseman does a marvelous job on accuracy. It was like a breath of fresh air and a story I loved from page one to the end. There was one moment that must have been a typo when it came to changing character perspective, because there was no break, but aside from that it was a great read. The ending will even make you want to cry (in a very good way!) 5/5 stars!

According to FTC rules: I received this book from Thomas Nelson as an influencer- I received no compensation for this review.

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