Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Giving God Your Creativity

Father, may we bear Your likeness better today than yesterday. Cause us to remember that You are the source of creativity, imagination and organization. Help us do Your will
Whispers of Wisdom for Young Women (c) 2008 Barbour
I just love that quote, it really sums it up well don't you think?
I have been thinking of this lately. What would happen if we let God completely and totally use our creativity for Him? Then brings up the point, it’s not our creativity at all- it is a gift from God and He has given it to us to glorify Him.
God has given each one of us talents in a certain area and I know with at least my life, I often forget that this creativity was given by God. I love to write, but I often get so caught up in the moment of not finding the right word, not able to think of what should come next in the plot, that I forget that this God’s story in the first place. This creativity has come from Him, He will use it any way He chooses. And when I turn my strengths and weaknesses over to Him, I find I have much better success and enjoy my writing so much more- it has improved greatly too!
God recently brought me back down to earth. I hired a lady to edit 30 pages of my work and those edits were hard to take. They were wonderful critiques, but I didn’t want to hear that my creativity was flawed! And that is basically what it came down to. I wanted to be told that I was perfect and ready to be published- ca boom! But God ever so gently tapped me on the shoulder and reminded me that my creativity stems from Him alone and without Him I will get no where with my writing.
Turn your creativity over to God, He is the Author of all Life, He knew what He was doing when He placed that talent within you. Now turn it back over and with His will and guidance, go show the world what He is doing through you!


  1. Well put! I was just thinking yesterday what wonderful creative gifts He's gives us. To truly work in those gifts to our full potential and to His glory we must use them with his guidance and to His will. Praise God that He's given us all such amazing and unique talents to glorify Him with and thank you for the reminder :D

  2. This is so true (with writing and so many other things in life). We think we have things under control and that we can do it on our own, then life comes along and knocks us down and we realize that we really have nothing without God.


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