Monday, March 15, 2010

Author Interview and Book Giveaway: Beaded Hope

Today my guest is Cathy Liggett, author of three novels and her latest one, BEADED HOPE, which has just released is being offered up to win, so be sure and leave a comment!

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Cathy! Thank you for being with us today.

1: How long did you write before you were published?

I’ve always enjoyed writing ever since I can remember. Growing up, my poor family had to endure all my attempts! My degree was in Communications and most of my jobs as an adult had something to do with writing as well. I worked as an advertising copywriter for many years and then also as a social expression writer, creating and editing verses for plaques, stationary and other gift products. When my husband and I were first married, nearly thirty years ago, I also had the opportunity to pen a non-fiction book for New American Library all about “making it in the music industry.” But that book was more like a very long – 365 page – term paper to me.

I’d never seriously thought about writing fiction until my kids were about ten or so. I started getting the bug to try my hand at sweet romances and began telling friends how much I wanted to do it. Finally, they started asking when I was going to stop talking about it and start trying it. So, off the cliff I went. I joined a local chapter of a national writers’ organization around 1999 or so, and it took about five years, many attempts and rejections, until my first Avalon book was released in 2004.

2: When you held that first book in your hands, what was your first thought?

My first book was called PITTER PATTER and, thanks to a wonderful artist whose name I’ll never know, it had an adorable cover – an infant’s foot with an engagement ring dangling off the toe. I remember opening the box at the front door of our house, grabbing the book, and being so excited I started to run downstairs to my husband’s office to show him. He’s always my biggest supporter, after all! But then halfway down the steps, I stopped – closed my teary eyes and gave thanks for the book, my supportive husband, everything!

3: What are you working on now?

Currently, I’m working on an inspirational romance. It’s about a very closed off single mom with a handicapped son and a former pro athlete who would like to find redemption from his past and have a future with them. The 5-year-old boy in the story has cerebral palsy, and I enjoy writing about him because it brings back fond memories. My son, who’s 21 now, had a friend in elementary school with CP and used to love to invite him over. He especially enjoyed wheeling his friend’s wheelchair around. We still are in contact with their family. I always think it’s great how when we minister to others, it seems like we get ministered to ten times more!

I’m also really hoping to have the opportunity to write sequels for my book, BEADED HOPE, which was just released March 1st. BEADED HOPE is a women’s fiction and features three women – Gabby, Cassandra and Heidi (along with her stepdaughter Katie) who go on a mission trip to South Africa – mostly for all the wrong reasons. In the book, Gabby’s story is completed and we have a good idea of her future. But that’s not as true with the other two women. Both Cassandra and Heidi are transformed emotionally and spiritually by the trip just as Gabby is, but their stories don’t come full circle in this book. I’d love to complete their stories. In a strange way, I miss them!

Until that time comes, however, I’ll keep working on my inspirational romance. I never mind writing romance, for sure!

4: Where can readers find out more about your books?

Readers can find out more by visiting my website

Oh, and there’s also information on my site about the contest I’m running through the month of March – my Beaded Hope-You’re-A-Winner Giveaway. Each week I’ll be giving away a copy of BEADED HOPE along with an adorable bracelet made by one of the artistic ladies from South Africa. They’re really cute – the bracelets, that is – and well, the ladies are too actually!

5: What message(s) do you want to be clear to your readers?

I’ve always liked the saying, ‘God sends friends when you need them most.’ I think it’s so completely true. Sometimes I even feel like God has sent me a character or two when I’ve needed one most – like a funny, quirky character who amuses me and is uplifting at times when my life seems fulls of lumps and bumps.

That’s why I like to write about women and their friendships and relationships – relationships with God, other women, the opposite sex and our families. As a writer, I can move people around like chess pieces on a board and change the course of a life with the click of a delete button. But thank goodness our heavenly Father doesn’t operate so randomly, right? So often, we are (or have been) blessed with relationships that are just what we need to get through things. Or just what we didn’t even know we needed. My family and friends are near and dear to me, obviously, and I guess that’s why I like to write about relationships.

6: What are two things that people wouldn't normally know about you as a writer and or person?
I played accordion when I was a young girl, and not just the small boxy kind. My parents (who I doubt could really afford it) got the really super duper sized accordian that was bigger than I was. They’d sit me up on a stool and then lift up the instrument and strap it over my shoulders. I always felt like I was going to topple over and crash to the floor! I don’t think I’d remember how to play it at all now! Which is kind of unfortunate – it might be fun!

The other thing is…my husband and I re-met at our ten-year high school reunion and were married four months later. I just love how God thinks of such crazy, romantic things! Mark and I were sweethearts in seventh grade, but didn’t really stay in touch very closely after that. We barely talked in high school and I couldn’t have even told you where he went away to college (which turned out to be the University of Alabama, by the way – roll tide!). He was living in NYC when he came back to Cincinnati for our ten-year reunion in August. He called me, totally out of the blue, and asked if I’d like to go to dinner. I did and that was it – we were married December 4th. No one could believe it. We barely did either. It just felt – and after 27 years still does feel – right!

As a writer, I got my first rejection in sixth grade! It was an essay assignment for English class, an observation of what I saw when I looked out into my backyard in the morning. My dad really liked it and submitted it to Reader’s Digest. But…I guess the editors at RD didn’t like it as much as he did.

Thank you for being with us today. Any final words for readers?

Casey, I just want to thank you and your followers for taking your precious time to support and give encouragement to authors. It’s so sweet of you all! We can create an entire world for our characters to be a part of, but when readers take our characters into their hearts, they give them a home! Blessings to you all!

To Enter to Win, Beaded Hope:
~Leave a comment with an EMAIL ADDRESS!!
~ +1 be a follower
~ +1 be an email subscriber (if you signed up under the old program, you will need to do so under the new one as the old system went bust. Thank you.)
~U.S. residents only, please.

This contest is void where prohibited. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and a random winner is draw from an unbiased third party.

Thanks everyone for stopping by to enter!


  1. I enjoyed the interview and hearing how she and her husband got married! I love romantic stories.

  2. Great interview and what an inspiration to see how God can fit the pieces of our lives in such unexpected ways.


  3. What a great interview! Looks like an excellent read.

  4. enjoyed this posting very much...would love to read this novel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. i'm a subscriber :)


  6. please enter me

    May god Bless


  7. Great interview.
    +1 an email subscriber.
    Beaded Hope sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.

  8. Great excerpt. Your book sounds so interesting. Would love to have it.
    I am a follower and email subscriber.

  9. What a great interview. Please sign me up for the contest.
    +1 follower
    +1 subscriber


  10. I would so like to read Beaded Hope - I enjoyed your interview. Please enter me in the giveaway

  11. Great interview. Please enter me.


  12. I'm a subscriber.


  13. What a great interview and this sounds like a great read. Would love to read the book.


  14. I'm a follower!



  15. Enjoyed the interview and would love to be entered in your giveaway for this book. Thank you!



  16. Beaded Hope sounds like a very intriguing book. Hopefully a sequel will be in the making soon! Please enter me. Thanks.
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  17. I'm a follower by Google reader and email newsletter.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  18. Cool beans :) looks like a great book. I'd love to read it. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Carmen sent me!

  19. Great interview! Please enter me in this giveaway :)

    I'm a follower and here's my e-mail address: gracethorson (at) gmail (dot) com


  20. I love that she re-met her husband 10 yrs. later and they got married!!!!

    I'm a follower

    I'm an email subscriber


  21. I would love to read this one...please enter me. Am follower!
    Have fun on spring break, Casey.

  22. Please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  23. I would love to win and read Beaded Hope.


  24. Please add me to win this book it looks really good, and I love the cover It's so pretty!

  25. Great interview! Love to Win! Have a Great Spring Break!

  26. I would love to read this book!


  27. +1 I am a follower!


  28. +1 I subscribe via email.


  29. I would love to enter! Thanks!

  30. I'm becoming a follower!

  31. Please enter me for this giveaway!


  32. I am a follower!


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Loved the interview. My brother use to play the accordian & I would sneek in and strap it on (not easy at 10 years of age) and play the right hand only (I play almost any instrument by ear). My brother caught me one day and instead of getting mad at me (he & I are close) he taught me the left hand too.

    My husband & I went to high school together & neither one of us ever got married. Out of our 30 year class reunion we were reconnected and three months later we were married. That was nine years ago. God is so awesome.

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway and thank you for the opportunity.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  35. I am a follower.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  36. I am a subscriber too.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  37. Please enter me.
    Thank you and God Bless,
    Anna Labno


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)