Monday, March 8, 2010

Interview with author Tiffany Amber Stockton on the Craft of Writing- Part 1

Tiffany Amber Stockton has been embellishing stories and spinning yarns since she was a child. She began writing professionally in 2002, with articles and short stories, but it wasn't until 2006 when she sold her first book to Heartsong Presents. Promises, Promises released in 2008 and was quickly followed by Quills and Promises, then Deceptive Promises. She also has 3 more books in a second series set in historical Michigan. Tiffany (writing under Amber Stockton) finds writing to be her passion and loves to craft an inspirational novel, glorifying the Lord. I am pleased to share an interview I had with Tiffany recently. She has graciously agreed to share a few the lessons she has learned during her writing career. Thank you Tiffany, for being here today!

Thank you, Casey, for having me here. It's a pleasure to chat a bit with you.

1: How long did you work on your writing before you were published?
If you're asking in reference to my first novel, it took me 2 years to do the research and polish the story to publishable quality. However, I've been working on my writing skills since I was in high school, which was 12 years before my first book sold.

2: What are two mistakes you wish you had never made?
Hmm, that's a tough one. It sort of goes in line with regrets you might have. I firmly believe every decision leads you toward where you are now. My mistakes might have taken me on a side trail, but had I not made them, I don't know that I'd be where I am today. One was the decision to move to Alabama for a year before I was truly ready to leave the house. I should have moved out closer to home instead of 14 hours away. The second would be a somewhat ongoing one, and it's pushing people away or keeping people at a distance and acting like I've got it all together when in reality I could use the friendship and support. I just tend to avoid being vulnerable and admitting my needs since I was raised to be in control of everything and not show my weaknesses.

3: What resources did you find the most helpful for learning the craft?
First and foremost my membership in ACFW ( with access to a host of other writers, editors and authors, all willing to help, teach, guide and critique. Second, attending conferences, workshops and seminars where I could learn from others who had traveled this path before me. Third, writing sites and blog sites with writing tips. I'd say it's half what you know, and half who you know that gets you somewhere in this industry.

4: How does an author "find their voice"?
 By trial and error and writing, writing, writing. Some authors know it right from the start, but others can write several books before they finally “discover” it. The old saying is practice makes perfect, and that's true for writing as well. You can't “find” your voice if you're not looking for it while you write.

5: How do you protect your writing time?
Hehe, with an almost-toddler at home, this isn't easy. It's pretty much during naptime, late at night, or in the evenings or weekends when my husband is home and can watch our daughter. Of course, he's an author too, so we have to trade off when he needs to write as well. And sometimes, we just leave our daughter with family or a babysitter and go out to write at any restaurant with large enough tables to fit our laptops.

Please be sure and return tomorrow to find out what Tiffany thinks are some of the most comman mistakes beginning writers make (and many more :-)

1 comment:

  1. Nice interview! I definitely have to pick some of her books up because they all look so good! Historical fiction is my favorite after all! :-P



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