Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Book Review: Yesterday's Promise

Can one woman fulfill her dream and still be granted the love of her heart?

I have never read a story where a woman wanted to be a preacher. I started the book a bit apprehensive. I am very conservative and wasn’t sure how the author would write the story and convince me, without making me feel I was going against my beliefs.

I was pleased. Melinda starts out a determined woman. A woman determined to serve the Lord as a minister for Him. Her main focus, the pulpit. What I enjoyed the most about this story was the growing that Melinda did. She started out proclaiming that she was doing God’s will, but it was really her agenda to prove her past love interest wrong.

The changes she made were real and convincing. To avoid spoilers I won’t say what they are, just that I was pleased when I finished the novel- even with a decision I wouldn’t have made- it was obviously right for Melinda. There is a great deal of gospel and faith in the novel, so it is definitely for the reader who will enjoy reading about a character’s deep faith journey- which I did.

There was a love story and a multitude of challenges that added depth to the story. All in all, I enjoyed the novel and was glad I had the chance to read it.

Thanks for the author for my copy to influence. I received no compensation for this review.


  1. Casey- thanks for inviting me to check out this review. I've seen Yesterday's Promise on GoodReads bookshelves but knew nothing about it. Your review piqued my interest...now I'll have to check out this book :-)

    (p.s. your Goodreads invitation didn't include the blog address - it took me some time to hunt you down!)

  2. Sorry Tammy! It was an oversight.
    :( Thanks for looking so hard!! I will remember that next time. :)

  3. You have an award waiting for you at my blog!

    Pick it up here.


  4. Casey,

    Congrats on reaching 100+ followers! This is my first visit to your blog. I like the way you have it set up for Readers and Writers.

  5. Thank you Jennifer! It is great seeing you here. Hope you return tomorrow to join in the celebration. :)

  6. I enjoyed reading this review, I'd not heard of this book before. Great blog!

  7. Great review, Casey....now I really want to read this book!
    Congrats on 100plus.

  8. I just signed up to subscribe to your blog. Please enter me.



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