Friday, April 2, 2010

What I Read this Week and a Blog Award

I got four books read this week. All pretty good. Hope your reading life is going well. Yesterday I completed my 49th book, I am half way done!!! Woo-Hoo!!! How far are you into your goal?

And they are:
Romance by the Book by Myra Johnson
The Sweet By and By (by) Rachel Hauck and Sara Evans
Yesterday's Promise by Vanessa Miller
Plain Paradise by Beth Wiseman

Thank you so much to Megan @ Inspired by Fiction for this lovely award! I am honored you chose my blog.

Here are the rules for this award, be sure and take them if I give your blog this award:

1. Thank and link to the person who gave you the award.
2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers that you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact those blogs and let them know they've won.
4. State 7 things about yourself.

Okay, 7 things about myself:
~I am quickly becoming the shortest person in my family
~I have more books to read than time to read them
~I love Christian music, but have recently discovered I don't mind some country :-)
~My parents love the socks I knit, but I hate making them. :-}
~I have played piano now for 6 years
~I volunteered at our local library for 2 years and know my way around the book repair department
~I have never driven on a freeway

Okay, I don't have 15 blogs to give this award to, but here are a few that I recently discover and think the owners are doing a great job!

1: Laura Frantz @
2: Molly @ BuukLvvr Reviews
3: Deborah @ Country at Heart~ Deborah Vogts Blog
4: Nora @ Finding Hope Through Fiction
5: Peggy @ Go Ahead and Wear the Purple!

And my system is acting up, so I have no idea why some of those are highlighted all the way across, but oh well! If you received this award, right click and save to your computer. If you don't want the award, that's fine, there is no obligation. :-)

Finally, be sure and enter to win Plain Paradise by Beth Wiseman. You still have today- winner will be drawn tomorrow! Let's see if we can't get it up to 70 entries!!


  1. Bless you, Casey! I'll be sure to follow up and post this - LOVE the award logo - thanks so much for thinking of me:) It means so much!!

  2. I really want to learn to knit socks. It's my knitting goal for 2010!

  3. They aren't hard, Julie, as much as people think they are. Just not my favorite thing to knit. :) Next time I make a pair- and I need to start a pair soon- I will post pictures and info I have found helpful. :)

  4. Thank you so much, Casey, for the blog award!!! I love your blog too btw!

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH CASEY for the AWARD!! I'm honored and touched.

    It will take me until next week until I can pick 5 blogs to nominate with the honor.


    BLESSINGS TO YOU and Yours!!


    Nora :D
    Finding Hope Through Fiction

  6. @ BuukLvr and Nora- You're welcome!! *waving!*

  7. I read one book this week again. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)