Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I Read This Week and a Blog Award

I wouldn't normally do this on a Sunday, but I got behind this week, so here is what I read this week...

And they are...

Ransomed Dreams by Sally John
The Narrow Path by Gail Sattler
Waiting for Daybreak by Kathryn Cushman
Plain Perfect by Beth Wiseman

What did you read this week? I would love to add it to our total!

This week, I was given The Sunshine Award from Molly at Buuklvr81 Reviews and Abi at My Heart Belongs to Books. Thank you so much ladies! I love it and am honored you passed it on to me!!

This award is traditionally passed on to those blogger's that inspire others and show positivity and creativity, so, in that spirit, I picked my nominees from blogs that I visit regularly and are very informative and inspiring to me.

The rules for accepting the award are:

This is what I've done and the nominees should do the same if they choose to:

1) Put the logo within my blog or on my post

2) Pass the award onto 10 fellow bloggers

3) Link the nominees within my post

4) Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog

5) Share the love and link to the person whom you received this award from.

Here are just a few blogs that I love to visit. The bloggers that you can tell love to blog and sharing what they know with others... so here are my ten (in no particular order). Be sure and check them out- they are all awesome!

1: Ashley @ After all....Tomorrow is another day
2: Carman @ A Sequence of Continuous Delights
3: Debra @ Debra's Reading Corner
4: Pepper @ Words Seasoned with Salt
5: Tina @ The Homestead Heart
6: Megan @ Winning Readings
7: Janna @ Cornhusker Academy
8: Renee @ Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot
9:  Peg @ Go Ahead and Wear the Purple!
10: Charity @ Giveaway Lady

Thanks you guys for making my day brighter! Your blogs are some of the best!

Have a wonderful Sunday.


  1. Thanks for the award! Its sweet that you sent it on to me. :)

  2. Thank you so much, Casey! It means a lot too me:D Hopefully I be ale to post about, sometime soon. LOL
    Love Ya,

  3. 3 books for me this past week.

  4. You are more than welcome ladies! It is a privledge...

    Beth, thanks so much! I will add it to the total. :)

  5. I read one book this week. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)