Saturday, April 10, 2010

Winner of Scattered Petals!!

And the winner of Amanda Cabot's novel, Scattered Petals is....

Katie M.!!!!!

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who stopped by to enter! What an awesome turn out with even more comments then my last giveaway!

Okay, and here's the deal. I opened up Blogger today to see that Writing for Christ gained 4 more followers- wow and THANK YOU!! So, only 3 more until we can party and trust me I have several things planned!

I want to thank you all for the kind comments about my blog. I read so many nice things from people who enjoy reading it and that touches me deeply. I can't wait to show my appreciation. God is good!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)