Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Book Review: John 3:16

This story is really about the power of God’s word, sharper than a double edge sword. With an ensemble cast larger than most novels, John 3:16 encompasses many lives and their intersection. What I loved about this book was even with many different and varying characters, they all played a part in each other’s lives. Some interaction was major, most minor, but each played a role in each other’s lives. You would think in a story with so many lead characters, it would become confusing, but I was never once. Each life has a different path and story to tell, but all are changed at one moment. When a John 3:16 sign is held up at a high school football game.

What I loved the most about this story more than anything else, is the lesson that one life can make a huge difference. The story centers around one young man, who maybe has one or two leading scenes. After that is just how his friends and family see his life and how he was a witness for others.

I greatly enjoyed this book. It was a fast paced novel, filled with twists and turns, lessons and one overpowering message: one life, one scripture reference, has the power to change a multitude of lives, if only they will obey.


  1. I really enjoyed this book too! I really identified with the couple that wanted a baby, couldn't have one naturally and were hesitant to adopt because of negative comments from family members. The story was very touching and the message solid.

  2. So glad you got the chance to read this, Westie! It is a great book!!

  3. I sooooo want to read this book.

  4. It is really good, Vicki! :)


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