Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Have Found the Models for My WIP!

WIP as in Work In Progress. As in my new novel. : )

I have been busy working on my second novel. I don't want to give too much away, because it ruins the thrill for me as I am writing it, but I have taken on a new step in my writing and I wanted to share it with you.

I am working on a contemporary this time around and decided I needed models. Not just the kind that I can dream up in my head and that works great too, but a constant picture of who is "playing" the physical role in my story. So, since I didn't have to worry about historical accuracy or hair styles or dress, I surfed through Google Images (a fabulous resource, check it out if you haven't already) to find the perfect actor/actress to play my hero and heroine. I think I found them! Let me know what you think. : )

Kimberly Williams-Paisley as my heroine: Jenna. A strong woman, who feels she has never truly been loved. And because of that has made some pretty sorry choices in her life. I am so excited for her, to see her grow and change. This story has me eager to write. Something that hasn't happened in a long time.

Hmmm, I looooove Logan Bartholomew's soulful eyes and he really fits the mental image I have of my hero, Greg. A very introvertive person, quiet, but you don't want to get on his bad side. Very much like my hero.
I love having these pics handy for looking at my main characters. It is really helpful because instead of a bunch of notes that I need to keep track of, I have a handy photo to refer to. Every detail about them that I need to know is right at my fingertips.

Who do you have modeling for your current WIPS?


  1. I picked out a wedding dress for my heroine on Kleinfield's website. It was fun and gave me better details in my description.

  2. Ohhh... I'm working on my second book right now, too! I think the models for your characters fit well. Kimberly Williams-Paisley looks like she'd be strong heroine, and Logan Bartholomew looks like he'd made a good quiet, soulful character.

    Finding models for my characters is one of my favorite parts :P My heroine's look a like is Kristin Kreuk (think I spelled that right... LOL). And then my other two main characters are modeled after Justin Hartley and Johnny Pacar.

  3. @Julie, I will have to remember that for clothes! What a great idea. :)

    @Mia, Oh, I am going to have to go google image those names. :) Hope that story goes great!! :)

  4. That's a great idea--that must make it easier to really picture your characters! And Logan Bartholomew is a great choice! I absolutely loved his acting in some of the Love Comes Softly movies. :)


  5. I really like having it too, Amber. Oh I SO agree. Which is why I chose Logan. :)

  6. Oooh, I love the models you picked, Casey! Logan Bartholomew definitely has that soulful look about him. LOL
    And I agree with with Amber, I loved Logan B. in the LCS movies. *sigh* :)
    Thanks for giving us a little peek of your characters in your WIP, Casey.
    Love Ya,

  7. FUN post, Casey.
    I love finding the picture to fit my characters. It took me a long time to find the characters for my historical, but they're perfect. And I finally found pics for my new contemporary too.

    Historical: (wip)British actress Justine Waddell & funny-guy Bradley Coooper.

    Contemporary: (wip)
    Kate Beckinsale and Hugh Jackman
    Whew...great pics, those.

    My finished contemporary hero/heroine pics are - hearthrob/villian Richard Armitage and adorable Amy Adams. They are PERFECT for that story.

  8. @Ashley, Thanks, glad you like them. I was so thrilled when I found them. So perfect. :)

    @Pepper, I LOVE Amy Adams for your role in that one book, I can so see that. BTW, I need to read that scene again (you know the one), sigh, make my heart flutter. So fun seeing you here, thanks!! :D

  9. Kimberly Williams-Paisley as Jenna and Brad Paisley as Greg. Now that would be a great combination. As couple they make my heart flutter.


  10. That is a great couple, Rebecca! I have seen pics of them and their kids. SO CUTE!! Thanks for stopping by. :)


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