Thursday, May 27, 2010

Modesty- A Matter of the Heart Part 3- Closing Thoughts

Here is part of my last interview that I had with fellow blogger, Adam from One Texan's View.

Why do you as a young man value modesty?
Well I strive to keep my mind body and soul pure. The Lord say's the lust is a sin, it say's in Matthew 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." So it says even the thought is the same as the real thing. In 1John 2:16 For all that is in the world, and the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
God call's us to be Christ like, So why do I value Modesty well when I was about 13 years old I made a promise to God and my future wife, that I will stay sexually pure for my future wife and that I would even save my first kiss for the day when she walks down the aisle dressed in white. And God has shown me that I can't do this on my own I need His help. Every step of every day.

When I see young lady dressing modesty it is a great encouragement to me and others, why? While I'm striving to be more like Christ and avoid the lusts of this world I'm being attacked everywhere I go, at the stores out in the streets by temption. When a woman dress's herself modestly and is striving to please the Lord, she is not only obeying God. She is protecting her own purity as well as protecting other men's eye's and heart's.

What kind of responsibilities do you believe young men bear?

Our clothing should reflect the holiness of God and minimize the "macho" and lewd characteristic's of the ungodly men of this world. For the christian gentlemen stylishness should not be the primary focus, but rather dressing that reflects dignity and godliness. Men should dress modestly to.

"And whatsoever you do in word in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him." Col 3:17.

How do you protect yourself and how do you wish young women would assist in that protection?
If there are thing that bring me down in my commitment I pray the Lord will give me the wisdom and strength to know what to turn off and avoid, like the movies I watch, Music I listen to, the people I hang out with, this is still a very hard part for me. There's a quote or maybe it's in the Bible I don't know but it put's it very well "If the people you hang out with make you cling to Jesus more tightly that's good but if they cause you to stumble and fall that's not good"

"Living a pure life before God requires the team work of your heart and your feet.The direction of purity begins within;You must support it in practical everyday decisions of where,when and with whom you choose to be with."

'The path you take with your feet should never contradict the conviction of your heart."

Joshua Harris from his book I Kissed Dating Good Bye

You are helping by dressing modestly Yes it's that much of an ENCOURAGEMENT...

Casey here again. Thank you Adam for taking the time to do this interview. It is wonderful to see young men out there that value modesty. YOU are an encouragement to US!

I wanted to close this series with a few thoughts of my own.

Modesty and purity are matters of the heart and that does not end when the "I Do's" are said. It is only beginning. Standing strong by your mate to encourage and support him as he battles the world is just as necessary as the young women helping protect young men from temptation.

But like one commenter said on Tuesday, we are not responsible for the young men when they stumble. And that is right. We as women should not feel guilty or worry that we "seduced" a young man that stumbled. If you are following God's precepts and dressing with modesty and care, then you are standing strong and the young man (or older man) needs to fall on his knees before the throne of Grace and ask for help.

We have seen a great deal of encouragement lately and this is exactly why I wanted to have this series. To show women the hearts of some of today's men. I will be the first to say that these men are not in the majority, but fear not-- they are out there. And with the guidance of your Heavenly Father, the right one will find his way into your heart.

I want to speak to the hearts of the young women reading this today: God knows the proper time. The young men are out there. NEVER GIVE UP. With each passing day you are not becoming more hopeless in finding a mate, you are growing in your faith and God is preparing you for marriage, don't ever doubt that.

I want to speak to the hearts of the young men reading this today: God has created you to be the spiritual leader of the home and head of the household. Continue to grow, continue to lean on God and understand His ways and precepts. And continue to hold yourself to purity and standards of modesty. Because more than anything else, YOU are the reason we as women stand strong and with God's help may we be prepared to share a life together.

Thank you to everyone who attended this series with me. It has been an incredible journey and one I am so glad God pushed me to discover. It has been wonderful sharing it with you.

A parting message from the Word:

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the the marriage bed kept PURE, for God will judge the adulterer and the sexually immoral...So say with confidence, the Lord is my helper: I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:4,6


  1. Thanks for this great series. What a blessing:)

  2. I am so glad you liked it Karen, it blessed me as well. :)


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