Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday's Post- ACFW

Well, good morning, I didn't have a very good idea for today's post, so I decided to write and tell you about an organization that I recently joined.

Are you a writer? Do you have stories and characters tumbling around in your head, but don't know how to get them down on paper?

Then look no farther than American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). I joined this wonderful organization in September of 2009 and was immediately surrounded by many kind and caring fellow writers. One of the things I love so much about this group, is we are all Christians, or at least profess to a Christian faith. When it comes down to it, that is what makes this group work so well, I think. We are all chasing the same goal, but are more than willing to help shoulder another's burden.

There are so many resources at your fingertips in this organization. Access to past classes taught on their loop. A new course every month on different writing aspect. 2,000 members to talk to and ask questions of when the job your heroine does, just isn't working out right.

Join a critique group, enter a contest, and the most important, attend the largest conference in the industry when you attend the ACFW annual conference. Editors, agents and fellow friends are packing the area and you have the chance to interact with people that really "get" you.

I have been incredibly grateful for this group and don't plan on leaving it's shelter any time soon.

So, are you a member? Do you have anything to add? Or are you just hearing about this and want to know more? Check out their website here:


  1. I love ACFW! I don't know what I would do without it!

  2. Thanks for posting about this. I didn't know about it! Also, I just happened to stumble upon your blog. Ha! =)
    Blessing to ya!

  3. Right there with you Julie!

    BESS, so glad you found my blog!! Glad you liked the post and hope you return again. :)

  4. Have been wanting to join ACFW and attend their conference too. Soon, hopefully! Thanks for sharing:)

  5. I'm a new member as well and also a big fan of ACFW! What a great & supportive group.

  6. Absolutely, Karen you will be grateful for the investment and it is pretty minimal. :)

    With you 100% Julia! Thanks for stopping by. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)