Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review: This Fine Life

THIS FINE LIFE gives a charming glimpse into the 1960’s lifestyle, but also depicting the turmoil that lies below the surface for one young couple.

The story is a passionate romance- never inappropriate- the love between Mariette and her husband Thayne is blood warming, but does have its pitfalls. Watching Mariette and Thayne mature and grow through the story kept me rooted to the pages and I liked seeing them progress from self centered, impulsive teenagers.

I had a deep empathy for Mariette as she tries to find her footing and support her preacher husband when the town has great distaste for her. Her faith journey kept the story moving forward and me invested in her welfare.

There were a few things I didn’t care for in the book. Several scenes were overly dramatic. I have never known a man to run to his bed and hide under the covers and because the story is being told in retrospect, some of the story felt detached.

But the overall story kept my attention. It gripped me in several scenes and had me laughing in others. I loved the era and it was an enjoyable read.

This review is my honest opinion, Thanks to Revell publishes for a copy to review.

Available May 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker


  1. Hi Casey. I trust your honest opinion. The 1960's era intrigues me. Thanks for a look at this book.

  2. Thank you Janalyn, I appreciate that. :) That era has intrigued me lately too. I am finding I like to read more and more books in the WWII to a few decades later era. :)

  3. I agree w/ you Casey about some parts being "detachted". It sometimes felt like a bio, you know? Anyways, great review, always love to read your take on books!:D
    Love Ya,

  4. Not an era I usually read, but this one sounds interesting. I might give it a shot.


  5. @Ashley, yeah bio is a good word for it, I didn't think of it that way, but you are right.

    @Cheryl, I am really getting into this era more, it's fun to read! :)


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