Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I must admit that one of my favorite parts of a book are the acknowledgements and when I finished my last WIP, I wanted to write my own. I also wanted to share them here. It may seem silly to jump so far ahead, but it brought me pleasure and I hope you enjoy! If this book is ever published, this will be in the back. ; )


There was a time I never thought I could write a novel. So many struggles, joys and mountains to climb before I could sit down and write a novel, one that brought me joy while I wrote it. And hopefully you as well.

I couldn’t have written this novel if it weren’t for people in my life who pushed me and told me I could do it, while expecting the absolute biggest potential from me.

Daddy and Mama, my cheerleaders. My biggest supports, my toughest critiques. It all started here. I love you.

Mattie and Jesse, always asking how it was going and letting me know they were okay all by themselves, though sometimes the house told a different story.

Susan May Warren, Susie, you encouraged me in more ways than you will ever know, and I can’t thank you in enough words.

Laura Frantz, your prayers kept me going. Knowing you were out there, lifting me up as I wrote, spurned me on and kept me writing. The same is always returned.

Julie Lessman and Cara Putman, your friendship is an inspiration to me and I thank God I have the privilege of knowing you both.

The wonderful ladies at the Writer’s Alley, Pepper, Sherrinda and Krista, you push me, motivate me and make me laugh every day. It is a privilege to know you. I love you all.

Mary, you too are a wonderful lady at the alley, but also my biggest cheerleader and fan. I really don’t know what I would have done in the tough times if I didn’t know that someone other than my family believed in me.

Tiffany Colter, Tiff, you pushed me mentally and also encouraged me. I can’t thank you enough for everything.

Grandma, for always being willing to read my stuff. I love you and Grandpa so much.

To my wonderful, supportive blog followers. I thank God for you all. You pushed and supported me on this journey and I loved sharing it with you. Here’s to many more!

And last, but certainly not least, God. You always know best and this novel is living proof of that. You gave me the story, the inspiration, the words and the determination. I couldn’t have done it any other way and I praise You for this creation. May it serve Your kingdom.

Praise God.


  1. Beautiful, Casey! I especially love that your parents are your greatest supporters. That's so big! My husband is my biggest cheerleader, too and its so important to have family to cheer me on.

  2. Oh that was lovely, Casey! What a neat idea, girl! And thank you for the shout out. You are indeed a treasure and I am honored to be a part of group with YOU in it!

  3. What a wonderful, thoughtful thing to do on your blog!

    I really enjoyed reading it - thanks for sharing!

    Blessings ~


  4. Beautiful Acknowledgements! Shows that an amazing person wrote them and meant every word.
    God Bless You!

  5. Casey,
    These are so heartfelt and beautiful!! And I'm so honored that you mentioned me. I do pray for you and this is a wonderful reminder to keep on. I have no doubt that you will see these words in your first book one day:) I read your excerpt from your WIP and am so impressed!! Keep on, dear Casey! You are on the right path.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)