Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Book Review: She Walks in Beauty

There are just some books that grab a hold you on the very first word. Grabs you with the beauty of the words, the lyrics of the characters and the tapestry of the era.

I felt like I stepped into the 19th century. The novel was so well researched down to the very intricate of details. I learned things about that era I had never known before, all while it pertained to the story and the character’s lives.

I have nothing negative to say about this book. It follows the life of one debutante, Clara, as she enters her first season and her family is set on getting her the wealthiest husband. The moral, health and faith issues that surround this young woman, who has to go through so many changes, clenched at my heart and I longed to see her happy.

I found some of the customs astonishing that Clara was put through, all to be beautiful and I believe that the overwhelming message in this novel is that beauty is only skin deep. It is what is in the heart that matters.

A truly marvelous novel, I highly recommend it and have added it to my best of 2010 list and my favorites of all time!

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


  1. Lovely review! I'm reviewing it tomorrow and giving a copy away! I got one from the reviewer after I won a copy. :)

  2. Oh good for you! I could never part with my copy, it's too good!

  3. I really enjoyed this book too!

  4. LOVED Love's Pursuit and can't wait to read this one, especially since I'm a fan of The Great Gatsby.

  5. @Tammy, so good!! Glad you liked it. :)

    @Julia, if you are a fan of Siri, you will love this book. :)

    Thanks for stopping by ladies!!

  6. I agree! THis is definitely a best of 2010 book! I knew you'd love it! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee


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