Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Book Review: Meander Scar

More like a 4.5 star book, this novel really surprised me.

The beginning was a bit hard to get into, but once into the novel I had a terrible time putting it down. This is certainly not your orthodox romance. It is unusual and gripping with a love story that proves to transcend time.

It really made me think, how would I have approached this situation? Would I be able to bear the stigma of loving someone who could be my son? But as the love story progressed and you saw the depth of the characters, they made it easy to set those nagging doubts aside.

It is certainly an edgy Christian romance, but written with a grace and pose that I admire. The hero’s determination made him the ultimate hero in my eyes and the heroine’s progression in life combined with a mystery plot thread made the book gripping.

I thought the ending a bit rushed, but it had enough closure for me to feel comfortable leaving the characters in their own world. Though a sequel would be fun, maybe someday?

Overall a great book and I would recommend it to fans of Julie Lessman and Michelle Sutton.

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