Friday, July 23, 2010

What I Read This Week (and prayer request/ praise)

Life is crazy, but still 4 books have been read.

I do have one praise to share, I am just bursting so I must. I recently started (well took over) a business making jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets) you may remember hearing about it, Bug's Beads. But it really wasn't taking off and I am struggling to put orders in and get stuff made. But GOD is so good, a company recently took a few of my samples and came back to purchase 50 earrings!! I mailed them yesterday, and I just praise God that I had that order.

Also, a while back I asked for your prayer support for Krista and her baby Annabelle that was going to be born with a need for immediate heart surgery. Well, Annabelle joined the world the other day and you can find pictures HERE, but please be praying for this family as Annabelle's surgery is TODAY! Mom and Dad I am sure will be anxious and please pray that God's peace would overflow on them. Thanks!

And they are:
Stars in the Night by Cara Putman
No Other by Shawna Williams
Licensed for Trouble by Susan May Warren
Critical Care by Candace Calvert

Also, there is just ONE day left to enter to win, So Over It and Gallimore. Check it out!!


  1. Congrats on the jewelry business success, I trust it will continue!

    Also praying for Annabell that God will see her and her family through this. I know how hard it was for me to put my baby back in the hospital at 3 days old with jaundice and that's not nearly as dicey as heart surgery. God is faithful.

    I would also add another book to the book challenge.
    Finished "Murder takes the Cake" by Gayle Trent this week.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have read No Other and Critical Care, enjoyed both books.
    Congrads on Bug's Beads.
    I am praying for Krista and Annabelle. Please let us know.
    God Bless Krista and Annabelle.

  4. Congrats on the jewelry order! I'm so gad.

    Will pray for Annabel. We will pray, I have a friend's son that went through that surgery sucessfully.

  5. Very happy for your jewelry success, a great way to show creativity. Will be praying for Annabelle and her parents. They need the Lord's presence felt going through something as tough as this. In Him, Juanita

  6. Congrats on the jewelry business!!
    I'm praying for Annabelle and her parents!! My son stayed in the hospital for 3 1/2 months, so those pictures brought back lots of memories. Prayers does AMAZING things, though!
    I have 2 to add to the list.
    Critical Care and Chosen(Ginger Garrett).

  7. Thanks ladies for your support and prayers, I appreciate your support all the way around. And I too hope it continues (the business that is), but one thing God has really been working on me lately is just trusting Him. I won't add time to my life by worrying, so I am going to leave whatever orders are placed in the future. And He will honor that-- in His own timing.

    BlueRose, your numbers are added, thanks!

  8. 2 books for me again this week. I'm still on target for this challenge, even though my reading rate has slowed.

    Hope your business continues to go well.

  9. Thanks Beth, it is counted. :)

  10. I thought I'd left a comment the other day when I visited, but it must not have went through.

    My husband and I have been praying for Krista and Anaabelle. Please keep us updated.

    Also, congratulations on your earring order! Will be praying for continued success.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)