Thursday, August 12, 2010

Book Review: Licensed for Trouble (and KINDLE contest!!)

There are just some stories that grab a reader’s heart, fill their head with a fantastic story and characters, while taking them on a roller coaster into the life of that character.

When I enter the world of PJ Sugar, I am no longer within mine, I become a part of the story and see the world through her eyes. I wish I had her spunk and determination!

LICENSED FOR TROUBLE is the perfect conclusion to a great series, and I am sorry to see it end. It perfectly sums up PJ’s character and leaves me with the sense that she just might be okay. Deeper issues are unearthed that have smoldered in the background of PJ’s life and within her own struggles, she brings out the best and worst of those around her. The story may be strictly in her point of view, but the other characters have plenty of room to grow too. Jeremy’s story and growth was a captivating addition to the story and I am so glad with the transformation he made.

I speak of these characters as if they were real, and they are. They have truly danced to life on the screen of my imagination and I wouldn’t be the same without knowing them. I have nothing but good things to say about this entire series!

Thanks to LitFuse publicity for my copy to review. This review is my honest opinion.

Enter PJ Sugar's "Sweet" Giveaway

Enter PJ Sugar's
Licensed for Trouble, Susan's brand new PJ Sugar novel, is in stores now! To celebrate the release, we’re giving away a Kindle!! You can enter using Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail using the icons below.
One Grand Prize winner will receive a A SWEET Kindle prize package that includes:
  • A brand new Kindle (Free 3G, 6”, Latest Generation)
  • The entire PJ Sugar series by Susan May Warren
To enter, simply click on the icons below to fill out the entry form, then tell 5 or more friends about the contest.

Oh, and enter soon! Winner will be announced on September 2nd.

Be sure to check out the blog tour here or purchase a copy of Licensed for Trouble here!


  1. Love your beautiful blog, Casey. It's a rest for a weary soul:) You've convinced me to read Susan's books! She taught a class that I took last fall at ACFW Denver and she's a terrific teacher. Anyway, I've missed visiting with you via the blogosphere and hope your vacation is going great:) I just returned from mine!

  2. Susan's books are great! I haven't read a single one that I haven't enjoyed.

    I just finished listening to that conference recording before I left home! How exciting to know you were in that audience. :)

    I missed visiting with you too! Just one more day and I should be able to settle down. Though settle down is subjective. :)

    Have a wonderful day, Laura!

  3. It seems like a great book. Gotta go check it out. I can't wait to read it in my Kindle.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)