Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Changes Are Coming....

For those of  you who don't know, aside from this blog I also run a blog to encourage authors, Operation Encourage an Author. My mission to show the authors that are spotlighted (one a week) that they are important and valued for the quality fiction they produce. And this blog maintains itself on the premise that readers such as yourself come by to encourage.

Since it started in February of this year, OEA has fallen into a slump, barely making it into the teens on the number of comments left by followers or people that want to let the authors know (whether they have read their fiction or not) that their hard work does not go unnoticed.

I am in turmoil over this. I don't believe it is right to the author who is spotlighted to get such a mediocre response. After prayer and turning it over to God (who inspired this blog in the first place) I am going to do a face lift on the blog. Change the look to hopefully inspire interest again. I will be busy doing that today, but if you are at your computer reading this, please take a few minutes and stop by the blog. These authors need our support, they can't do it alone and neither can OEA.


  1. Hey Casey,
    I muct admit that I haven't been visiting others' blogs like I want too. I just can't find the time, it seems. And you're right, those author deserves way more then get a few comments. I hope your face lift of OEA helps and I'll try to mention your blog in my post, when I can. I hope that will help and I hope I can come by OEA more often.
    Love Ya,

  2. Casey,
    I too have to admit I've not been as committed in visiting OEA as often as I should. I have the button on my blog as well as the link posted as a follower. I now feel guilty for not being there to help encourage the authors you host because they do deserve my attention just as much as the other blogs I visit. You are to be commended for what you have done to help all the new authors that you have and for keeping the blog going. I will do my part by visiting when I'm notified via email that it has been updated. I will also mention it again on my blog.


  3. @ Ashley, I know I haven't seen you on much of anything for a while. :) But schoolwork and family have to be first calling. Thanks for the support for OEA and I hope if you get the chance you'll stop by, but don't do it out of guilt or obligation, do it because you want to!

    @Beverly, it was never my intent to make you feel guilty, so I do apologize. What I want from OEA is just for people to stop by out of their own desire, not because I am presuring them too or because they feel guilt, but because they know that are doing a service for God within that encouragement. If OEA has run it's course then I guess I will shut it down with God's blessing. Knowing that the few authors that were encouraged were totally worth my time and energy. But I haven't felt led to do that yet, so I am trying to bring awareness back to the blog and we will let Him guide from there.

    Thanks for commenting, I saw it earlier this morning. OEA thrives on comments like yours. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)