Wednesday, August 18, 2010


"The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."
Acts 5: 41

My devotions have been in the book of Acts for the last few weeks and as I was finished up chapter 5 the other day, this verse seemed to jump out at me and I read it over again. I have always taken such strength and promise from reading the book of Acts.

The persecution that Peter and the other disciples bore. The martyr of Stephen. The saving of Saul, the image of a seemingly hopeless sinner. It recounts such a strength and infuses me in my Christian walk. And for some reason, this verse really stood out to when I read it.

They rejoiced because they were counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

What would that look like? I had to ask myself this. What would such rejoicing look like, such love that these men who were being persecuted by the Sanhedrin, beaten, whipped and spat upon by others in their society and yet it would make them glad that they were able to suffer for the name of Jesus Christ.

Could you imagine such love that these men were grateful to be beaten to further the kingdom of Christ? I don't know if I have ever seen that kind of love.

But I do know one thing, I want to fall so thoroughly in love with Christ that I would rejoice to take a whip in His name. To tell the world He means that much to me.

And should that day ever come, though I do not beg its arrival, I pray that I will stand up and do honor to His name and show Him just how much His sacrifice on the cross, taking my sins and forgiving them, has changed my life.

How much I love Him.


  1. Really helps us to change our perspective on joy when we keep this in focus (at least for me). I, too, pray that God would give me the strength to stand and endure in His name.

  2. Casey,
    Wonderful. May I also.

  3. Julia, but not just endure, to rejoice in His name. To give praise even through such a valley.

    Wendy, amen and amen. :)

  4. Wonderful blog entry today, Casey. I'm also reading Acts in my devotions this week, and I understand what you mean about that verse jumping out at you.
    I pray that I have the same sense of rejoicing that the apostles felt when in those valleys.



  5. So glad you liked it Beverly. Next to Hebrews and Luke, Acts is probably one of my favorite books in the Bible. Nice to know someone else is going through it right now too. :)

  6. Casey, So true and I think this is the part I struggle with and often fall short in...but through Christ we can not only endure but with joy.


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