Friday, August 20, 2010

What I Read This Week

5 books this week. I just love knowing that there is such a wealth of excellent fiction awaiting to be read and enjoyed. I know I have said this before, but we are so blessed to be able to read such edifying fiction. God has truly blessed the authors that write and the publishers who put out their fiction. Makes me so grateful, because I could never read mainstream fiction.

And they are:
Canteen Dreams by Cara Putman
The Telling by Beverly Lewis
Watch Over Me by Christa Parrish
The Homecoming by Gilbert Morris
Dandelion Bride by Joyce Livingston

There is still one more day to enter to win a couple new reads! So be sure and check out the giveaways on the right of the screen and get your name in the hat!


  1. I LOVED Canteen Dreams and even wrote a review on it!

    Nice to "meet" you today at my Spanning Seas and Secrets blog!

    Hope you stop by again soon and we can become bloggites!!!


  2. Looks like some good reads this week. ;) I completely agree with you--what a blessing it is to have so many Christian fiction books to enjoy!

    Have a great weekend!


  3. I love Beverly Lewis. If you like her, you should try Al Lacy. He writes great period pieces. I just wanted to invite you to join us for our Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop! Link up your blog and another you'd like to spotlight. Have a great weekend!


  4. I never checked in last week, but I got in one, Still House Pond.

    This week I got in 2, Forgotten and Highland Blessings.

    I'm looking forward to reading Canteen Dreams! :)

  5. 4 for me this week. One is a little unusual, have a look on my blog.

  6. I know exactly what you mean, Casey. I feel the same way about the wealth of amazing Christian fiction that is available. It's like being entertained, while at the same time having your walk with the Lord strengthened.

    On Kim Vogel Sawyer's website, she says, "I've been asked..."Why fiction?" And the answer is simple: Even Jesus told stories to help His followers understand Who He was and His purpose for coming to earth. A story can draw one in and make an impact. Before I commit words to paper (or computer!), I spend time in God's Word and in prayer. I believe my stories aren't truly "mine," but are a joint effort between myself and the God I serve." When I read that, I was sure that many Christian authors felt the same way.

    Thank you for sharing what you've read. I'm reading A Tailor-Made Bride this week by Karen Witemeyer. It's very good!

    Have a blessed day!

  7. I ordered "Canteen Dreams" last week and am waiting for it to arrive! I am currently reading "Arkansas" by Christine Lynxwiler and so far I am loving it.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)