Monday, September 13, 2010

Melanie and Julie's WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Alrighty, so I finally have sat down. Taken a deep breath. And dived into two of the BIGGEST giveaways my blog has hosted! Thrill my socks off with the great turnout and ENTHUSIASM! WOW!

Now before I announce the winners (who have been contacted), I just want to point something out that I think we all take for granted: have you noticed the Julie replies to EVERY SINGLE COMMENT no matter how small that is left about her books? And these are comments are detailed too! Julie, you are a blessing to so many, especially to me that it just makes my heart ache (in a good way). Each and every one of us are blessed to know you!

And hey! Everyone, Julie's book, A Passion Denied is up for the ACFW Carol Award! And here is the best part: for those of us that are not going to the ACFW conference this year and attending the awards ceremony, you can "watch" it HERE on the live blog! Be sure and do so and root for Julie!!

And now the winners....

For The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson.....

Apple Blossom!!!!!!!!!!!

And for their choice of either  A Hope Undaunted  or one of the Daughters of Boston novels is...

Shirley Kiger Connolly!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations ladies!

I am playing catch up today, so there is lots of posts today! Giveaways, book reviews, don't miss it!

And thank you Julie and Melanie for letting me host you, it was an HONOR!


  1. Yes, and Julie takes the time to do this in the midst of her book release and everything else going on in her life. And I do know that she has done things for readers that are just above and beyond for an author. God bless you, Julie!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!



Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)