Saturday, September 25, 2010

Of Yarn Shopping, Meeting Authors and Winners!

This last Wednesday I  traveled 70 miles to a charming little yarn store. Next to reading, knitting is my favorite pastime, so about once or twice a year I get to travel to this store and stock up.

Yarn for socks. 3 pairs in this case

Yarn for my new short sleeve sweater (love making those things!)

And because I am such a knitting nerd, a pic of my now full yarn basket. :-)

While I was in this small (and I do mean small) town doing my shopping, I was given the chance to meet CHRISTY Award winning author, Jill Williamson, author of By Darkness Hid and By Darkness Fled. We met for lunch, had a wonderful visit, talking books, publication and the ACFW conference she just attended. What a joy to meet another Christian author and only 70 miles from where I live! It was a pleasure meeting you Jill!

And now the winner of Carie Lawson's Beyond Summer ebook is....

Ann Lee Miller!!

And the winner of Kay Strom's Call of Zulina is....


Congratulations to the winners!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Congrats to the winners!! I hope you enjoy your new books!!

    Casey~ I love to knit too, but have been so swamped with reading, I haven't gotten around to it yet.
    And what a great opportunity to meet a fellow author and talk shop . It sounds like you guys had fun together.
    Anyway, hope you have a great Sunday, Casey.
    Love Ya,

  2. It was great to meet you, too, Casey! I love the pic of your yarn basket. Looks like you are going to be busy busy! Hope to see you again sometime!

  3. @Ash, I didn't know you were a knitter! We should get "together" and knit sometime. *grin*

    @Jill, I plan to be! I have kept meaning to send you a thank you and haven't gotten around to it, due to a little cold. But anyway, GREAT to meet you and I hope to see you again too!!

  4. Ah, I love to meet more yarnies...AND they are reading buddies too. Can't get any better than that! Are you guys on Ravelry? Feel free to look me up either on my blog: or on Ravelry, I'm deanawat.

  5. I like that term Deana! Yarnies. I will have to mention that to the other ladies I knit with. :) I had never heard of Ravelry. Sounds like a fun site. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Casey, I think we could be really good friends. We have so much in common! I love knitting too. (Though, I'm still learning and not very good.) And I can't BELIEVE that you got to meet Jill!!! O.o That would pretty much make my year. ;)

  7. Carman, how fun to meet another knitter! I definately think it is a lost art that is making a come back. It is just so relaxing for me. It was GREAT to meet Jill, very nice lady. :) Oregon produces some great authors. :)

  8. I think so too! I love it for its relaxing qualities too! :D So glad to hear that! I thought she would be. ;) hehe! I'll keep that in mind. :D


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