Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Revell Blog Tour and Book Review: A Memory Between Us

There aren’t many historical novels that can pull off a great love story while entertaining the reader and giving them a taste of the era without overwhelming the reader.

I believe that A MEMORY BETWEEN US is one of those few books. I thought the information on WWII was interesting, but not overwhelming. It gave me just what I needed to know without making me skim. The love story was incredible. The chemistry between the characters while the memories of their past ripping at their relationship was ingenious! At several points in the novel I seriously thought that the story was going to feel over, but no. It just moved onto another area of tension, taking me right along with it.

Topics were tackled in this novel that I don’t often see in historical fiction, but I thought they were discussed with a grace and utilized in the best way to heighten tension and bring forth emotions. The character’s journeys were deep and wide and very believable. None of us are perfect on the first time around and I loved that about this story. It isn’t the normal status quo.

I will say one other thing: never have I anticipated a kiss more.

This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publisher for my copy to review.

Available September 2010 from Revell a division of Baker Publishers at your local bookstore.


  1. Hi, Casey! There's an award for you at http:tgteecher.blogspot.com Love your blog!


  2. Thank you Tammy! I appreciate that!! :)

  3. Thanks, Casey! I'm so glad you enjoyed Jack & Ruth's story!

  4. Hi Casey! I stumbled upon your blog over a month ago and have visited it frequently since then. I am an aspiring writer myself and I have to admit it was the lovely name of your blog that caught my attention in the first place. Writing for Christ should truly be the heart behind it all. :) I look forward to following your posts in the days ahead. And I'll have to get my hands on a copy of this book. It sounds very intriguing! I LOVE historical fiction! :)

  5. @Sarah, I did love their story and can't wait for the next one. :)

    @Savanna, ahh, thank you! I do write for Christ and dedicate this blog to Him, I can take no credit from there. :) I am so glad you like to visit, that makes my day! I hope you return and get a chance to comment often, I always try to respond in one way or another. If you love HF, you will LOVE this book! Great stuff. :) Thanks for visiting!!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)