Friday, October 1, 2010

Book News, Blog Award, Interview Link OH MY!

For a Friday this day is going to be b-u-s-y! I am about half way through my expansive, overview edits and think it is going pretty well. For a complete newbie that is pretty insecure about her writing at the moment, I would say it is going fine. *bites nails* And to meet my goal of going through my book by the end of next week, I've got to hit it again today, but first something FUN, right?? :-)

What I read this week....

And they are:
The Glassblower by Laurie Alice Eakes
Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon by Melody Carlson
Don't Look Back by Lynette Eason
The Waiting by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Blog Award!!

Tammy @ Tammy's Book Parlor gifted me this blog award, THANK YOU TAMMY! I am honored. :-) 
The blogs I am passing this award onto are inspiring, lovely to visit and the owners have made me feel so welcome and loved in this wonderful experience called blogging! I do this because I love it and I have met so many wonderful and charming people during this adventure. Do you know I will have been blogging for one year in November? It is so hard to believe! It has been amazing to "meet" each and every one of you! I hope you will check out the following blogs if you haven't already. :-)

Laura @ Laura Frantz

You ladies always brighten my day!

Shannon Taylor Vannatter @ Inkslinger Blog interviewed me on my "Dream Romance", hope you can check it out HERE

I am having a sale on my handmade earrings on Bug's Beads. Don't miss out!

And it is the LAST day to enter to win Margaret Brownley's A Suitor for Jenny

So until tomorrow... have a great day and HAPPY OCTOBER! :-)


  1. Thank you, Casey! You just made my day! What a pretty award, too! I'm honored to be listed among the crew you mentioned :) And honored to have "met" you online :)

  2. Julia, you beat me to it! I have been honored to "meet" you too! I thought the same thing when I saw the award. :)

  3. Congrats to you and the new recipients on the awards! Awards bring a bit of sunshine to your day. :)

    The books all look like winners!
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful book.

    Fun blog.

    Jodie Wolfe

  5. Congrats on the award! :)

    P.S. I got your package! So happy! Thanks :D

  6. @Karen, don't they? I must admit I love getting and giving them. :D

    @Jodie, THANK YOU! I am so glad you like my blog. :)

    @Ariel, thank you for letting me know!! Happy reading. :D

    @Dawn, that makes my day!! It really does! Thanks much for visiting. :D

  7. Casey, You are such a sweetheart and I love the award! I've already copied it and will post it on the blog soon:) Thanks for sharing the JOY. I'm in fine company from your list!!

  8. Thank you so much, Casey! I am so honored that you would mention me with this group, as Julia said, and I just love the award! :D You are so sweet!


  9. Another 2 books read for me this week.
    I like the look of The Glassblower, I think I need to add it to my wish list.

  10. Congrats on the Award and thank you sooo much for passing it on! I saw your comment on my blog yesterday but I didn't get around to visiting till just now! It's been sooo hectic this week! This award is just what I needed to lift my spirits! Thank you!

    Best wishes on your edits!

    XOXO~ Renee

  11. @Laura, I couldn't get an award and NOT pass it onto you. It perfectly says everything about you and your blog. :)

    @Amber, you deserve it, your blog is one of my favorites to visit and I don't get over there near often enough. Sigh.

    @Beth, thank you! They are counted. :)

    @Renee, I am so glad! I look foward to seeing who you share the joy with. :) Thank you for your best wishes, they so very much!! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)