Friday, October 29, 2010

Books, Links and BLOG PARTY NEWS!

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am soooooo excited! Do you see that little ticker on the sidebar? Swivel thy head and look to the right. Only 15 more days!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going to wait until 14 days out before putting my blog button up, but really could NOT resist and added it to today. AND I am doing a contest with this button so read on to find out more!!!!

First: What I read this week (cause I know you are dying to know! :-)

And they are:
Intervention by Terri Blackstock
The Preacher's Bride by Jody Hedlund
Nightshade by Ronie Kendig


I did the unthinkable. Yes. I joined Facebook. If you wish to "friend" me. Feel free to click on the link provided. I am under "Casey Miranda"

CONTEST ALERT! I put my jewelry business up on Facebook as well! And while I haven't had a lot of time to work on the page, I hope to remedy that this coming week. BUT if you "like" this page, you will be entered to WIN a free bracelet! How fun is that?? But hurry, this only lasts until the end of November with the winner picked on December 1st. If I get more than 100 I will draw TWO winners! 

Okay, the moment you have all been scrolling down for!

I am SO excited about this party, I am going a bit crazy and driving my family insane along with me. But...I am going to go even CRAZIER! Here is how it works: Grab my birthday party button for your blog, then EMAIL ME telling me you did so. This gives you an entry to WIN a pre-blog party present! Who doesn't like presents, right? Snag my button, enter to win a prize, but you have to EMAIL ME, okay?

I love your comments, so share your thoughts if you so desire. A casual Friday chat! :-)


  1. Hi Casey, I just sent you a friend request on FB. :)

  2. I got it Ruth. :) Off to approve in just a few. :)

  3. Wow! Fun stuff! :D

    I'm super excited about your blogoversary! Be looking for my e-mail (or e-mails...) hopefully later today. ;)


  4. Hi, Casey--I love parties, how fun! I'm going to go find you on Facebook :)

  5. Fun stuff! I just sent my friend request, and I "liked" Bug's Beads. :D

    I love parties and giveaways, so I can't wait to celebrate your Blogaversary!

  6. @Amber, you must be busy, I haven't seen you around lately. Been thinking of you too!! I will be watching for those emails. :D

    @Cindy, so do I! But I think I might have gone a tad crazy on this one. *grin*

    @Michelle, thanks for finding me on FB and you are entered for that bracelet! And we are only 2 weeks out, so not too much longer now until PARTY TIME!!

  7. I love Terri Blackstock and I'm actually reading Intervention right now. Did you like it?

  8. I just wanted to put how many books I read this week.
    Another 2 for me. I have just 10 to go to reach my target.

  9. Hi Casey! I sent a friend request to FB and "liked" your Bugs Beads page. I also put your birthday button on my blog. I tried emailing you but for some reason I keep getting an error message. I'm sure it's on my end. (been having problems!) Here's my site:
    Thanks so much!!

  10. @Kel, I did enjoy Intervention. It didn't have a lot of the "murder" element normally in Terri's fiction, but it was still good and riveting. :)

    @Beth, woo-hoo, you will totally make it! I will count them, thanks for being faithful to let me know. :)

    @Janet, not a problem! I returned your request and I will make a note to enter you for the pre-party giveaway. No worries! :) THANK YOU!

  11. I emailed you:) I love giveaways!
    I also liked your page on FB. Love your jewelry!


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)