Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Care to Share Your Opinion??

I am working on a business card for my writing as I will be attending a small workshop this weekend. What is your opinion of what I have so far? I will print this on a beige cardstock, so it won't be a purely white background.

Your opinion is welcomed, thank you!


  1. That looks great Casey but I think you're missing the word "worldview" from the tagline on your card.

    Have fun at your workshop. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Oh thank you for spotting that Renee! It got cut off when I tried to enlarge the font. Sigh. I find technology so bothersome!

    Thanks for your help! :)

  3. I like the design, but I think there might be a little too much going on. And I would use one or the other for your tagline - either "Words of Hope to Strengthen Your Biblical Worldview" or "Stories of Hope and Healing." I would also make your name more prominent and put your contact information altogether.

    I designed my business cards a few years ago and had to go through a few designs before I really liked what I came up with.

    Good luck!

  4. That should be "all together." Whoops!

  5. I think they look cute. I agree on Melissa's comment on the one tagline. I hope you have a great time at the conference and look forward to hearing about Robin. (Sigh) I just don't think many authors come to my neck of the woods, as they're all downstate in NYC. And I will not drive there :)

  6. I love the overall look and feel! I agree with the ones who said it might be a bit cluttered. One other thing you could do to clean it up is to take out "Writing for Christ" and "The Writer's Alley" and just have the URLs instead, one right on top of the other.

  7. Casey, they look great. I was just logging on to say you left off a word, but Renee beat me to it.

    Have fun at your conference.

    Julia, you've got to look into the Write! Canada conference. It's the largest Christian fiction conference in Canada and not too far away from us, just across the border. It's held every June. I went last year. I'll remind you when it comes up again.

  8. @Melissa, thank you! That is really helpful, I had wondered about using both taglines, but I love both of them! One does I have to go, I agree :)

    @Julia, LOL, I can't say as I would blame you. I wouldn't want to drive there either.

    @Sarah, good idea! I was comparing mine to Pepper's and her's looks fantastic, so I figure I can't really go wrong if I model it after hers. :)

    @Joy, yes that pesky word that got cut off when I enlarged the font. Sigh. Technology.


  9. You are soooo cute! And I love the card! I'm so impressed.

  10. LOL, Sherrinda, you are good for my ego, you know that?? Not that it needs anymore priming :) Thank you.

  11. Joy, Please keep me posted. I'm definitely interested.

  12. Thanks For This Post, was added to my bookmarks.


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