Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One Step At A Time...

It seems to be a message going through my mind lately as I am working on just about everything, just one. step. at. a. time.

One step at a time as I carry the firewood to the back of the trailer after a hundred yards over forest floor terrain.

Just one bracelet at a time as I work on those 90 some odd pieces that need to be made- before November 19th and not all of my beads have arrived.

Just one more page, one more sentence, one more word as I push to complete another chapter in the WIP. Just focus on that one chapter for my goal of finishing it by Christmas Break. Not focusing on the rewriting I know I need to do. Not focusing on even meeting that goal, because I might not. Just focusing on one page, one step at a time.

I don't know about you, but I get easily overwhelmed. It seems to be almost chronic with me. And it only happens when I focus on the big picture and everything that I need to get done. I was worrying yesterday as I put my new beads away that I won't have enough, forgetting the other couple hundred bracelets that can be pulled apart and rebeaded.

I worry about not hitting my self imposed "deadline", but have I ever thought on the fact that the timeline can be negotiable? And it needs to be. Because I have to take the time to do it right, not push through just to meet my deadline and go right back to where I started.

The big picture overwhelms me. I can't handle it. I can't worry about eternity, I have to live my life now. I have to live it now for Christ, today. Because today is the only promise we have. We are only guaranteed the minute we are living in. Why worry about anything else? It just takes away from the joy of the moment.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:25-27


  1. Oh, Casey, this is so, so timely for me! I have been thinking almost the same thing, because I have been getting easily overwhelmed, as well--about homework, about reviews and blogging, and especially about my future. I have been so worried because I feel like this summer is make-it-or-break-it for me--I feel like the summer before my senior year will determine so much.

    But I've felt awful because I haven't been trusting in God. I NEED to trust in Him, to realize that no matter what this summer brings, no matter what each day brings, He is in control and I can trust in His guidance.

    The title of this post really hit me, because I've had something very similar running through my mind. I remember reading it in a devotional once, as a quote of a hymn or something:

    "Lead kindly Light,
    Keep Thou my feet.
    I do not ask to see the distant scene.
    One step enough for me."

    Oh, may I truly mean that and remember it! My "Sunday by the Sea" post had a similar theme this week, if you wanted to take a look at it sometime. :)

    Thank you, Casey!


  2. Thank you for commenting Amber, what you said is oh so true. Sounds more and more like we are long lost twins. *wink* BIG PICTURE problems are so easy to have. It is trusting for the large things that take more trust and devotion to God's plan. I think that must be why He wants us to trust Him more. Because we NEED to.

    I should get over to your blog, I enjoy those Sunday posts, but it seems my blog reading time has been stretched thin to none lately. Sigh. I miss it!

  3. Wow, Casey, thanks...this was for me today.

    Amber, I don't know if you'll check this again...but I wanted to reassure you. Do your best most definitely, but not as much rides on college as people would have you think. Once you get your first job nobody really cares what your degree was in. My husband was a college English he's a database administrator (IT) for a school district. He WANTED to do a computer degree, but he couldn't because he didn't have enough math to get into the program at college. BUT he didn't know I would come along the next year and be an English major :). Now he has a great job that provides for me to stay home and homeschool. Long winded just the point being God can and will do whatever he wants with you regardless of your college background. I so understand about dreaming about the way you want things to be though :)

  4. Forgot to mention I love the poem Amber shared.

  5. Well said Julia. It was for me today too. Most definately. :)

  6. Julia,

    I'm so glad I did check back! Thank you so much for sharing your husband's story (and yours, as well). It feels like what I have my degree in will limit me, but it is a great comfort to know that God is not limited by my education--grades, major, or otherwise. :) Thank you for that reminder!


  7. Amber, I'm glad it helped. After I wrote it I was afraid maybe I was being too "preachy."



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