Friday, November 12, 2010

This Week's Books and a Link or Two. :-)

I think when this year is over and the readiing challenge has come to an end, I am going to turn Friday into a compilation of everything that happened during the week. Kind of like a Fellowship Friday, but Cindy is also doing that, so I don't want to take anything away from her. :-)

What I read this week....

And they are:
In All Things by Shawna K. Williams
Dining with Joy by Rachel Hauck
The Silent Order by Melanie Dobson

Great books to read this week!! Which, *drum roll please* this now takes my total is 200 books!! I smashed the 100 book goal I guess. *sheepish grin* And there have been some great ones this year. I hope to do a best of 2010 list sometime at the end of December. :-)

Fun Links!

Have you heard of Pandora online radio? Check. It. Out! It is completely free and will only play music that you want it to play! Selet an artist, like Sara Evans, Natalie Grant, etc and they will play music of that quality. And completely FREE! I love it! It's my new thing to listen to. :-)

Want to win a signed copy of Cindy Woodsmall's Hope of Refuge? Click HERE! I will draw a winner in about an hour, so if you see this before then, go ahead and enter.

You can read my Alley post from yesterday HERE too.

I'm on Facebook if you want to connect. Just please be sure and tell me you know me from my blog. I tend to only know you by your first name here. :-)

And my win a free bracelet contest is still going on over at Bug's Beads Facebook. Just "like" the page. :-)

Hope you are having a great Friday and only ONE MORE DAY until the party kickoff!!!! Just get through today and tomorrow and we are home free!! :-)

Have a great Friday everyone!!


  1. I'm enjoying exploring Pandora radio. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Fellowship Friday is for everyone, Casey :D

    I LOVE Pandora Radio! My brother introduced me to it several months back and I've found some wonderful new artists and songs by artists I already know but haven't heard before. It's been really helpful with my writing, too, since I like to make playlists for my stories.

    I can't believe you've read 200 books this year! I've done 100 before but that wasn't when I was trying to get writing done, too. I look forward to seeing your list :)

  3. @Renee, it is a great site, isn't?? I heard about it from Deb Raney on a conference recording, imagine that. :)

    @Cindy, LOL, I had a different name for my Friday, and now can't remember it. :(

    I can't believe 200 books either, I don't think I ever want to do that again! I am looking forward to making the list, but it is going to be hard to keep to any managable number! :)

  4. Way to go, Casey! :D Two hundred books--holy cow!!!

    And yay!!! It's almost party time!!! ;)


  5. I added you on Facebook :D Can't wait for your party!

  6. 3 books for me this week. I'm almost up to my target. Just 3 to go!

    Well done on reading 200 books.
    I'm wondering if I may get there myself, but I think I have my hands in too many other things for that.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)