Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Winner, Book News and a Blog Award!

Ohhh, good to be back after a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. Why is it seemingly over, you ask? No, I'm not hitting the mall. There is no such thing in our small town. :-) Next weekend is the annual Christmas bazaar here and I will be selling my jewelry for the first time there! Nerve wracking! I will be spending the rest of the weekend (in between slivers of pumpkin pie) finishing up the last of the jewelry creations. Don't know how much writing I am going to get done this week. :-)

I didn't post yesterday, so decided to roll Friday and Saturday's posts all into one. Won't happen every week I promise. :-)


The Winner of The Silent Order by Melanie Dobson is...


You will be hearing from me shortly. :-) Congrats and happy reading!!

What I read in the last two weeks.

Due to my blog party, I didn't post on what I read this last few weeks. So here we go....

And they are:
Amy Inspired by Bethany Pierce
A Path Less Traveled by Cathy Bryant
Love Finds You in Miracle, Kentucky by Andrea Boeshaar
Love Finds You in Maiden, North Carolina by Tamela Hancock Murray
Long Time Coming by Vanessa Miller
Seek Me With All Your Heart by Beth Wiseman
What the Bayou Saw by Patti Lacy
The Widow's Secret by Sara Mitchell

Definately of all of them, What the Bayou Saw was my favorite!!

Blog Award!!!

Many thanks to Beth at Beth's Thoughts for passing on this blog award to me! I am honored. :-)

How this award works...

1) Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4) Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

7things???? Okay, here we go....

1) I love to create knitted projects and make jewelry, but am terrible at creating something off the top of my head.

2) I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 17 and didn't drive on a freeway until two years later.

3) My nearest friend lives 6 hours from my house.

4) I am HUGE Chuck fan on NBC Monday's and "Casey" is my favorite character. :-)

5) I have a weakness for dried apples in the Fall

6) I tend to only edit one chapter in my WIP a day, but do double duty in my reading of writing books

7) I would really like to learn how to make my blog a three column blog! :-)

I don't have 15 bloggers to pass this along to, but I do have a few and they are listed here...

Sherrinda at Sherrinda Ketch

And if any of you know how to do a three column blog, I would love to know your secrets! :-)

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!! Thanks for visiting today. :-)


  1. i actually wrote out the 3-column directions for someone else on my blog. Here's the link.

    It's in the comments. For some reason when I tried to change my backgound for Christmas, I had some trouble and had to change to Picture window to be able to use it. I'm not sure what that was all about.

    I admit it took me a LONG time to get the 3 column thing figured out, but I'm not very good when it comes to the computer.
    I know Renee also has 3 column, so she may can tell you how to do it much better than me!! :)

  2. Awww, aren't you the sweetest thing! Thanks, my friend!

    As for the 3 column blog, I always find a template already done. There's no way I could manage doing it myself. I may try Bluerose's instructions though, because I liked the "cleanness" of my previous look, but didn't like the cramped side bar to the right.

  3. Casey! Thank you for the award! And I loooove Chuck! That show is hysterical. Did you know Zachary Levi (Chuck) is a Christian?

    Sorry I can't help with the 3 columns, someone else set up mine.

  4. @Bluerose, thanks! I am going to look up those directions. :) Appreciate it!! (And Renee is one of those I thought of contacting. :)

    @Sherrinda, your new design is STUNNING! I love it!!

    @Joy, I never cease to laugh and have fun while watching Chuck. Though I do wish one certain circumstance was different... I didn't know that about Levi. Where did you hear that?

    Off to read those instructions... ;)

  5. Casey,

    Thanks so much for the award. That's exciting about your Christmas bazaar...sounds like a great opportunity to get your name out there. Liz still wears her bracelet often. :)


  6. I don't know how you have time to read so many books!

  7. I read 5 books in the last two weeks, and have now gone past my target! I'll still keep posting how many I read, so that might help the overall target for the challenge.
    I thought about setting a new target, but decided to just keep reading and see how many I get.

    I hope you get your jewellery done in time.

  8. @Julia, I LOVE to hear that! Fun to know she is still loving it. :)

    @Leanne, ummm, I don't either!! Most of the time I have 3 books going at once and tend to be finished all at the same time. Otherwise I wouldn't have so many read. :)

    @Beth, way. to. go!! That is what I am doing too, continueing to count though I have exceeded the goal. I will add it to the total, thank you!! I think I will make the jewelry, just another day of work and it should be all ready to go, thank you!! :)

  9. Thank you so much, Casey! I'm super excited about winning Melanie's book. Can't wait to read it. Have a great week!


  10. Casey, another reader/writer friend told me about your post!

    You made this writer's day...and have me Colossians 3:23-ing with renewed fervor!


  11. CASE!!! Isn't What the Bayou Saw haunting??? I read it almost two years ago and it still haunts me today, seriously. And, honey, if you liked Bayou, just WAIT till you get your hands on Patti's latest, due out in January -- The Rhythm of Secrets!! WOW ... Patti's best yet, and that's saying something because I LOVE this woman's work, seriously. I think she is one of the best in the women's fiction market today on top of being an amazing woman/friend as well.

    And if you get to go to ACFW next year like I am PRAYING you will, then you will have to do lunch with us like Patti, Laura Frantz, Audra Harders, etc. and I did this year, okay?


  12. @Sandee, glad you won and are so excited, I think you will really like this book! :)

    @Patti, truly did love it!! So glad I got the chance to read it and can't wait for your latest. :)

    @Julie, yes that books is just that! I also called it "gritty", but a GREAT story for sure!! I requested her latest book for review through CFBA and am looking forward to reading it, especially since you and I both loved WTBS. I am praying we can do that meal too, because that would seriously make my entire year!!! :D

  13. Casey,

    Thank you for the award! I avoided highways until I was almost 20! :D

    ~ Wendy

  14. ok I am so far behind its not funny but I have 43 books to add to the list. I haven't added them here since June and kept forgetting to update my list. and even with that I may have forgotten a book or two but hopefully not.
    so to last Saturday im up to date now. im on about 95 for the year.
    im not mentioning them all here but will add this weeks on Saturday.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)