Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Book Review: Possession by Rene Gutteridge

Intense. Page-turner. Gripping. Passionate. Emotive.
Those are just some of the words that come to mind as I sit down to write the review of Rene Gutteridge’s dynamite book POSSESSION. I couldn’t stop reading this book. I would steal snatches at every available opportunity. The dialogue is snappy and never stops for breath. The descriptions pulled me into the story with strong verb usage and clearer than clear settings and characters. Each actor in this “play” had their own sets of challenges and struggles to the highest degree. I believed every emotion that poured forth from their tormented souls.
What I loved so much about this book is the author knows exactly where to stop a scene in that absolute worst conflict, then turn and switch to another scene and character. Talk about not being able to put the book down!
The book flows with urgency and depth, there are moments of relief, more for the reader than anything else, but quickly escalate once again. Just when you think it can’t get worse it does.
From a dynamite finish to an explosive ending, this book has to be one of the best suspense novels I have read this year. I LOVED it! A winner for many suspense fans I am sure.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


  1. I am no disappointed I chose not to review this book with your review :P. I'm glad the book was great!

  2. I really liked it! A keeper for sure. Maybe your library will get it. :) Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Sounds like a good one. I do love suspense!


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