Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Book Review: Where Hearts Are Free by Golden Keyes Parsons

3.5 stars.
On one hand I enjoyed this story. There were circumstances that propelled the story forward and kept me wondering just how it was going to come together and the end is a bit of shocker-I never saw it coming.
Though the third book in a series, I had no trouble picking this up to read. I think it would have a richer context knowing other characters from previous books, but I never struggled coming in at the end. The heroine is strong and determined, but also has a sweet vulnerability.
I thought settings were well described and the emotions of the heroine clearly shown in a way that made me empathize with her.
But I also thought certain aspects of the book could have been heightened for a greater reading experience. There were a couple times when conflict was resolved too easily and some of the actions, emotions, etc, were “told” to me as a reader instead of letting me “experience” them. When I read I like to be brought right into the middle of the story and while I still think this story as a whole was good, I wasn’t drawn into it. I also would have liked the hero’s emotions for the heroine evocated a great deal sooner than it was, that seemed abrupt.
But overall, I still liked the story. It has a good setting, characters, a noble circumstance and flowing plot.
I received this book from Goodreads First Giveaways. My opinion is completely my own.


  1. Thanks for the review, Casey. I think that being able to experience the story, instead of being told, make's the book stand out from all the others and touches the reader more! :-)

    ~ Katy

  2. I agree Katy. Thanks for coming by to check the review out today. :)


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