Friday, December 24, 2010

What I Read This Week (for the last time)

Yes, that is right, I am updating you on what I have read this week for the last time. Next Friday is New Year's Eve and though I don't know yet what I will post, it probably won't be this. :-) I've enjoyed doing this for a year (wow it went by fast), but I also found that while I am a great "speed reader" and it comes in handy, I want to enjoy reading fewer books and being a little more picky about them. I wasn't very selective this year and I want to change that in the coming year.

If you happen to be interested, my Best of 2010 list will be coming out Thursday of next week. We will have to compare notes. :-)

What I read this week:

And they are:

Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa by Melanie Dobson
Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris (non-fiction)
Possession by Rene Gutteridge

GREAT books all the way around, I encourage every teen to read Start Here it is a thoroughly thought provoking book and I encourage you to go get a copy. I will most like post on this later with why I think that.


If any of you are interested I posted yesterday on The Writer's Alley: Writing in a Winter Wonderland

And DON'T FORGET, we are still about 200 books shy of making our 2,010 books in 2010, so let me know how many you read this year!!

Also for anyone that is interested, I am coordinating the ACFW book club chat this month in our Yahoo! Group. If you haven't joined the book club I encourage that you do so. We chat amongst ourselves for the first half of the month and then discuss the featured book from the 21st on. Hope you can join us! :-)

AND our own dear blogging friend Carman is having an end of the year bash to celebrate the ringing in of 2011! Check it out, she has some GREAT prizes already. :-)

That is all for today, I'll be back tomorrow to announce the FIVE winners of Donna Winter's collection of books!! Enter if you haven't already- link on the sidebar. :-)


  1. Just stopped by to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. And the same to you, dear friend!

  3. Merry Christmas Casey!

    You can add another 2 books from me to the target.
    I'll be doing one more post about the challenge, but you'll have to wait for next week for my grand total!

  4. @Thanks Beth, got them counted!!

    @Renee, thanks, you too! :)

  5. Thanks for posting about my party, Casey! I appreciate it! :D


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)