Friday, December 10, 2010

What I Read This Week

I don't think I have any links today...*scratching head trying to remember* oh yeah, I do have one. I posted on the Writer's Alley yesterday with Tricia Goyer as my guest. You can check it out by clicking here

I know some of you expressed an interest in how well my jewelry did at the bazaar and the answer is it did great! I was really happy with how it all came together and we stayed busy the entire time, so thank you for your votes of support and I am sure the prayers you said on my behalf. :-)

I don't know about you, but I am really eager to get my hands on a really good book. I read a FANTASTIC one this week, but it was on my computer and I am anxious to hold one. I have some great ones coming in the mail including Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball by Donita K. Paul (Donita is the featured author on OEA this week btw. ) and Softly and Tenderly by Sara Evans and Rachel Hauck. Can't wait for them to get here!! Along with other books I requested to review earlier this month. I am on pins and needles waiting for them all.

What I read this week:

REMEMBER, EVERYONE is welcome now to tell me how many Christian fiction books they have read this year. I have blown the doors completely off the reading challenge, so tally and let me know. Let's see if we can hit 2,010 books in 2010!

And they are:
Where Hearts Are Free by Golden Keyes Parsons
The Mockingbird's Call by Diane Ashley and Aaron McCarver
Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes

By far my favorite this week- probably for the whole year was Crossing Oceans. Go. Get. This. Book. It was THAT good! You can read my review HERE.

Don't forget my contest running on the sidebar. You only have today to enter to win Mail Order Cowboy, so don't miss it!

Have a great Friday everyone!

Oh hey, for all you Julie Lessman fans out there. She posted a deleted scene for her coming book, A Heart Revealed. Don't miss it! It is awesome and on her Jot today.


  1. I love reading this post each week! It's always fun to see what everyone else is reading!

    I began a reading challenge this year...but a bit late! I started keeping record of what I read in August...Oh well!

    But so far I have read 63 books! And the year isn't over...yet!! ;-)

  2. WOW, Katie, 63 books since August? Way to go, girl! I'll add it to the total, thanks! Every little bit helps. :D

  3. Thos all look good and I haven't read any of them! I've heard a lot about Crossing Oceans though, hopefully I'll get the chance to read it someday. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Of the year??!! Wow! OK, despite the depressing win...I just put it on hold at the library site. Have a great weekend.

  5. @Renee, be sure and get it soon!

    @Julia, yes. I do believe of the year it was the most powerful one I read. So glad your library has it! You will have to let me know how it is. :)

  6. 1 book for me this week!

    Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball is a great book. I recommend starting it as soon as you get it, or just setting aside and afternoon to read it!

  7. I have been participating in another book challenge this year. I did the same challenge last year, as well. But that challenge is for all kinds of books. So out of those, 48 have been Christian fiction this year so far. I have had to read a lot of books for school, but those don't fit in this category. :)

  8. @Beth, thanks! Now I am even more excited. :)

    @Leanne, thanks!! I got them counted and it brought the total up by 3%! Woo-hoo! :)

  9. My goal for 2010 was 100 and I have finished 270 and by the end of the day it will be 271. :)

    Michelle V

  10. Michelle are you serious???? WOW! That is incrediable! I want to know your secret. :) Thanks! I'll add it to total. :)

  11. I think this is such a good idea, finding out how much people read this year.

    I've read 10 Christian fiction books, 2 Christian non-fiction, and 9 secular fiction books.

  12. I have 82 Christian fiction so far. I'm close on a couple others (because I read more than one at a time). I should have around five more before the end of the year - because I don't read only Christian fiction.

  13. I just started reading again in May, had put it down for years, yes, I know..... awful.
    Anyway, I may have put a dent in what I've missed because I've read 67 that I know of. ;0)

  14. 118 so far this year, but I am shooting for at least 122 by Dec 31st!

  15. I haven't been keeping track all year, but from what I've been keeping track. Add 50 from me. :)

  16. I know I have read many more, but I just don't remember them all. I started tracking them somewhere around June. So add 32 for me. That doesn't sound like a lot compared to everyone else, but it is a BIG step up from my 14 last year!

  17. I got them all ladies, thank you!! This has really increased the total. :D

  18. I have read 31 Christan fiction books so far this year.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)