Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog News

Hey Guys and Gals, it's supposed to be my day off (yeah right *snicker*) from blogging, but I wanted to pop in real quick and let you know of a few things.

First I am blogging today about emotion on The Writer's Alley. It was a tough post to write with a memory about my Papa's funeral. You can check it out if you wish.

Second, I'm making changes. I am have been apprensive about putting them into action, but have finally decided it is for the best. Blogging is a great joy for me and I love doing it, but I also like to devote a bit of time to my blogging friends and visit with them on their blogs. But I am following way too many. It has gotten overwhelmning and I don't visit ANY now. Which isn't how I like it. So please know that in the next day or two I will be cutting alot from my reader list. Please, please, please don't take it personal and I still might pop in and out, but for the sake of my time and the priorities I need to maintain, this is how it has to be for a while.

Thank you for understanding!

Also, would you please vote on the poll directly the posts? I need to know if my blog takes too long to load! Thanks. :-) Have a fantastic day and I should have a review of Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen up in a bit.


  1. Casey, I so understand your concerns/issues here. I'm having to cut way back as well. But we'll still be there in spirit, huh?!

  2. Hi Casey I totally understand where you are coming from with this! I follow a ton of blogs and while I love them I can't always comment everyday because that would be all I would get done doing. If I don't see you around no biggie and I hope when you don't see me on your blog you know that you're still one of my faves and you're in my thoughts! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Thanks Renee! But I don't plan to stop following yours any time soon. :) And thank you, I appreciate your kind words, I've never thought different on your visits- life gets busy for sure!

  4. Hey Casey,

    Do you use Google Reader? I love it because you can put your blogs into folders. Then when you go to check your feeds, you only have to look at specific folders that you're interested in. It's a great way to narrow down what you're looking at everyday.

  5. Joy, no I don't. Thanks for the tip! :)

  6. I would love to hear your thoughts of Girl in the Gatehouse:) Just ordered it from PBS and can't wait to get it in.

    I know what you mean too as far as cutting back. I feel that way and just don't have the time to go check all my friends blogs every day.

  7. Charity, it was good! I enjoyed it and I think you probably will too, especially if you happen to have read her other books. :)

  8. I've had to cut back on how many blogs I follow as well. My kids, especially being little and two of them still at home, are just more important. In regards to your blog loading time - it isn't bad at all. There are some blogs that don't even load for me and yours just took a couple of seconds.

  9. Tressa, they are more certainly. And thanks for the feedback, I appreciate knowing that! :)

  10. Oh, Casey. I feel like this. I feel bad because I have made connections with people and then don't always do too well about following their blogs lately. But like you said we have to prioritize, right?

  11. Yes, Julia, absolutely. And I tell you it has made such a difference elemanating some blog feeds. I feel like I go visit now and not be so overwhelmed! I just wanted to make sure people understood. I feel bad, but I have to be conscious of my time and definitely be more disciplined.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)