Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book Review: Plain Wisdom by Cindy Woodsmall and Miriam Flaud

I have been a fan of Cindy Woodsmall’s Amish fiction since I was given her first book and that coupled with my fascination for the Amish led me to request “Plain Wisdom” to review.
My ancestors are thought to have come from “Amish blood”, (my great-great-grandmother is believed to be Pennsylvania Dutch) and I have picked up my interest in the Amish from my grandfather.
What I got from this book is so much more. Yes, I learned new things about the Amish, like they use processed food products like Crisco, corn flakes and condensed soup, but the snippets of wisdom from both Cindy and Miriam were priceless. The ladies told stories of their life that have moved and inspired me in so many ways. One of my favorites is something Cindy said towards the end about “practice makes perfect” and if we practice worry, we make worry perfect in our lives. Wow, I needed to hear that, especially as there has been something I have been worrying about.
You are given an unprecedented peek into the Amish home (it truly feels like a warm invitation into a friend’s home) and see their world from both the outsider and Amish point of view.
When I closed the book, I was impacted. Moved, ministered too, Uplifted. I highly recommend you pick up this book, it has touched my life and I hope to share copies with friends and family.
This review is my honest opinion. Thanks to the publishers for my copy to review.


  1. Just found your sites and I am so excited to get to "meet" other Christian authors as I start out on this journey myself. Your site is a blessing!

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  2. Hello Mel, is great to meet you as well! I visited your site and you have a beautiful blog. :) Thanks for visiting, and I hope we get to "visit" more. :)

  3. Thanks for doing this review! I had never heard of this book, but I love Cindy Woodsmall's books and this one sounds so good! I had actually read this review when you first posted it but never got around to rating it or commenting! So I reread it as a refresher before rating. :)

  4. I have "When the Morning Comes" by Cindy in my TBR stack and am looking forward to reading. I am adding Plain Wisdom to my wish list. Thanks for the great review. I love Amish stories as they show a simple yet full filling life in their religion.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  5. I thought that was interesting what you said about worry. In reading the other day I came across a statement that reminds me of this. It said something like "You will become the best at whatever thing you practice at the most." It's not quoted directly, but it does pertain to tiny things in your life that you don't think about.

  6. Hmm, so this is a non-fiction book then? Sounds interesting ... good review. I admit, I've never read any "Amish fiction" but there are quite a few at the library ... I just might check some out later this summer. =)


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