Friday, January 14, 2011

(Finally) Friday!


I'm hopeless with titles, I am sure you are aware of that at this point, so I beg you for a bit of creative energy here... what does one call a post on the last work day of the week when the style is more laid back, more of a conglomeration of things I wished to share, but tends towards more chatty and "get to know you" time?

I'm stumped.

Sound desperate enough? Hope so! ;-) 

And So It Begins...

I *drum roll please* started a new novel! I am weird in the way that I really like to write and discover my story and characters, but don't like editing it. I still do, but where other writers like the polishing process, I want to hide under a rock. But I grow through that right?


Now...6K into the story I will say I am really enjoying it. A must, right? Writing has to be enjoyable...which will probably be the topic of my post next week on the Alley.


And just because I don't like editing my work, doesn't mean I don't like doing someone elses! *wink* In fact that is one of the sure fire ways you can grow in your own fiction. such a spirit of learning, I would like to give a bit of time away to someone who would like 5-10 pages read. I am NO expert, but my crit partner says I have a pretty good eye, so we'll just go with that... ;-) If I have more than one interest I will randomly draw a name and let you know next Friday.


I'm giving away a bracelet!! Be sure and check out my Bug's Beads facebook page (you will have to scroll down just a bit)

AND doing a sale (separate from the giveaway), so be sure and check it out, okay??


I finally had to do it... put a book down in the middle of reading it because it just failed to hold my attention or made too many errors in the mechanics of writing good fiction. I have put books down before -usually secular (when I occasionally read YA secular)- but not recently. I made a vow this year to do so and avoid wasting my time on fiction I didn't like...

I should have prepared myself. Two books in a row. So sad. :-(

Your Opinion, Please

Yes, your opinion is needed to see if I can't possibly start a new feature here on my blog.
Want to send your own brand of questions to your favorite author? Me too! So I'm going to go out on a limb this week and ask you to vote on which author you would like to "cold call" interview. The questions will be submitted by you, and can be anything you want, (within reason now. :-). Up to 8 questions and I will ask the author if they have time to answer just a few burning questions. :-) Willing to experiment with me? OKAY! Let's see how this bird will fly...

Guess What's Free!!

Check this out! One of my very favorite of favorite books (re-reading right now btw) is FREE for Kindle! (And Nook, so I've heard). Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson. So funny and lighthearted, it will make you smile and feel good inside loooong after the last page is turned. Don't. Miss. It!! Promise?? Good.

Here's the link.

Did Ya'll See It??

Seekerville had a absolutely fun, fun, FUN post earlier this week to celebrate the release of Love Inspired Historicals moving to 4 books a month. Come as your favorite historical character they

I did. :-) And "butted" head with Scarlet O'Hara who kept eyeing me suspiciously across the veranda where I sat with Rhett. I mean really, do I pose such a threat??

So my version of One Question Friday (hope you don't mind Wendy *wink*)

What historical character would you come as to a historical themed party?? If your character has already been chosen, be sure and pick someone else. :-)



  1. How fun is that. Thanks for the link! Don't mind a bit.

    My head is spinning with all the gifts and mentions of free stuff! A field day of fun.

    I voted btw.

    ~ Wendy

  2. What historical character would I choose? Hmmm....I would go as someone from a Jane Austen novel. One of the Dashwood Sisters perhaps :)

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post, Casey! :-) First off, I think Cold Call is a great idea! I'm all for it and have already put in my vote for the pole on the top of the blog! :-)

    Second, I'd love for you to critique the first few pages of the historical fiction I am working on! So...count me in! :-)

    Who would I be? hmm....I would love to come dressed up as Belle Boyd. Nothing interesting about her clothing, but she was one amazing woman during the war between the states! :-)

    ~ Katy

  4. This was a great post! And, hey, you can always read my work for me and ink it up! ;) But not too much ink. That would hurt.

  5. @Wendy, I know, I did put a lot in there. :) It's fun to share such links. Thanks for voting! :)

    @Hannah, oooh, good choice! You don't often here Jane's name mentioned in dress up parties. :) I got your lovely email and will reply today, thank you!

    @Katy, I haven't heard of her! I'll have to look her up. :) Glad you like the CC idea, I hope it goes off well!

    @Gia, LOL, I try to be very nice in my critiques. ;)

  6. I think the Cold Call is a great idea. And in your poll, I voted for my favorite author to chat with.

    If I could give a tribute to any historical character, I think I'd come to the party as Elizabeth Bunyan. I've always wished there were more articles about her, and I enjoyed Jody Hedlund's book, which was inspired by her life.

  7. @Renee Ann, thanks for voting! I hope it can be pulled off too. :)

    And ooo, good character choice. That book was so good, wasn't it??

  8. I would totally come as Mandy McClellan Gray Linscott. After she was a Linscott. Not before.

    I am a pantser too and love seeing the plot develop in front of me. Once I knew kind of how this character got where she was [lets say, for sake of discussion, all her friends were having babies and she wasn't so she was sad].

    As I was writing though, I literally sat back and stared at the screen, slack jawed. It turns out, it's not just that she's not having babies, she's just found out she can't have babies. Ever. And can't ever adopt. Or anything. And will never, ever be a mom. [Yeah, I know - it's an example.] I honestly, truly did not know until I saw it on the screen.

    Those are the best revelations :).

    I'll have to ponder the cold call...

    I'd love to have a critique :).

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  9. CarolM, yes, that does happen doesn't it?? Some things don't happen until they are worked out on the screen, the joy and fun of writing I think. :) Though I don't like too many surprises, I haven't really figured out the art of applying different threads to an already completed story yet.

    I think I am definately a highbreed. Not a complete pantster and not a plotter but...plotster?? :)

    Thanks for coming by today!!

  10. Vince or someone over on Seekerville had a word for those who aren't true pantsers but are plotters either.

    Maybe it was plotsters.

    I had a CP [and rightly so] say that this one minor character didn't respond in character to the hero's breakup with her. The actual event was self contained within that chapter, but I had to at least reference it again later - I think I managed to work it in all the way through but... Oy.


  11. Yup, know how that goes. I definitely do. :)

  12. Ooohhh...I love Renee Ann's pick.

    Good for you for putting 2 books down :). Time is so valuable and there are so many good ones out there.

    LOL, Carol I just had to look Mandy up because I had no idea who that was only to find out she was fictional :). Sounds like a great pick though.

    (Can you tell I'm procrastinating in the midst of lesson plans?)

    OK, I'll come as Jonathan Edward's wife, Sarah. :) Such a strong woman of faith and a great wife to Jonathan (& mother of 11 & homeschooler). I would love to learn from her.

  13. LOL Julia!

    I just finished working my way through all of Mary Connealy's books. And she rocks =D. Er, Mary and Mandy and all of Mary's other heroines.

  14. You guys are stretching my mind with all these names! Julia, I think I have heard of Jonathon Edwards- oh yes I have! He was an evanglist wasn't he??

    But I didn't know Carol's, so I'm glad Julia, you looked it up for me. LOL! Mary's books are good. :)I'm waiting for Sharpshooter to come to me soon. :)

  15. I loved Sharpshooter, Casey. I think it may be my most very favorite one - which is saying something ;).


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)