Monday, January 10, 2011

Giveaway and Author Interview: In All Things

Welcome to Writing for Christ, Shawna Williams, it is great to have you here! Do you have an interesting fact about yourself the average reader probably doesn’t know?

Oh boy! Well, recently I was reminded of something I completely forgot. I was named Miss Halftime USA in the summer of 1988 at a dance camp put on by the Kilgore Rangerettes. Subsequently I was invited to perform with a dance team on a tv talk show in Hong Kong. I didn't forget about Hong Kong, but for some reason I totally forgot about that title until I was reminded over the holidays this past Christmas.

What surprised you the most about being a published author?

The amount of effort that goes into promotion. It's like a second fulltime job. I have met so many wonderful people through it though, and that has been a real joy, so I'm not complaining at all.  I think what's been equally surprising is that people actually like my books! I know that sounds silly, but it's scary putting your books out there. You may like them, but you don't know that others will.

Do you have a favorite genre to read/write?

To this point I've only written 20th century historical. I love the era from the 1920s through the 1950s. I do think I will eventually write in other genres, though. I love to read everything. Mostly, what appeals to me are compelling, character driven stories. If that's done well I can get into about any setting.

When you aren’t writing or interacting with fans, what do you enjoy doing?

I like to make jewelry. I also love hiking, and, of course, reading. A perfect getaway for me is a cabin in the woods with a fireplace, where I can read in the morning, hike with my family all afternoon, settle in for a game of Phase Ten after grilling burgers, and then curl back up with a book before bed.

Do you have a nugget of writing advice that has completely changed how you view writing?

What I write isn't exactly edgy, in my opinion, but it is gritty. I don't know anyone without some form of baggage from their past, because that's life, and why we need Grace. This was what I wanted to write about!

When I first started seeking publication I was very aware that some of my subject matter might make it difficult. One book about publishing within the Christian fiction market even recommended that my type of book, by a new author, be put away and that I should focus on writing something that didn't broach any subjects that might be considered controversial. If I were successful, maybe I could get the first book published later.

This put me in a dilemma because these weren't the types of stories God had placed on my heart. So I had to ask myself if I wanted to write what I was passionate about, or write to be published.  These things aren't mutually exclusive, but I guess it is more of a gamble -- or so it seems. So my recommendation is to write what God gives you, and trust that he'll make a path for those stories.

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

Just that I'm able to serve God through it. My desire is that it's something God can use to draw others to him. It is wonderfully satisfying , however, to see the stories that He gave me competed and shared. I can't begin to say how wonderful that feels!

What do you like readers to take away from your books?

An understanding of God's Grace. I have a lot of underlying messages as well. There is a message began in No Other and hammered home in In All Things of our need for God in our lives if we are to be complete. So many young people fall into the belief that wholeness is found through another person. I think many young women go into a relationship thinking it is their mate's role to complete them, or save them from their woes. Many young men believe this is their purpose, too. These are unrealistic expectations to put on our mates. It's not that we don't compliment each other, and strengthen and support each other, but we are fallible. Disappointments will happen because we are only human. I try to finish the delivery of this message in In All Things, the sequel to No Other, with Meri's journey. The elation of a new romance has worn away and she sees that Jakob is just a man. A good man, but still a man. She needs God. This is complicated because Jakob recognizes that she has needs and wants to meet them, but his efforts fall short. Even though his intentions were good, he's actually been hindering her spiritual growth because she has become accustomed to turning to him to meet her needs instead of taking them directly to God. When Meri begins to understand that Jakob can't fulfill her emotional longings she seeks for a way to do that. It's a tough path, not pretty, but she does get there.

Places for readers to learn more about you?

Thank you for being with us today!
Okay readers, here is your chance to enter to win Shawna's latest ebook! If you would like to read my review, you can go here.
Extra entries:
And a NEW one:
~Follow Shawna's blog here (scroll down a short ways)

Contest is open everywhere due to this being an ebook. Chances of winning are based on the number of entries and winner is draw from a non-biased third party- I am not responsible for any lost or damaged items for said prize.

Thanks for coming by to enter! Contest ends on January 21st.


  1. Hi Shawna and Casey, what a nice post. Shawna, that Hong Kong experience must have been fascinating. Good luck with your writings, you are wonderful! Casey, it's my first visit to this blog, and it's really terrific. Hope you both have a great week. Hugs,

  2. Hi Shawna,I loved your answers! I wish you continued success with your books.

    Great blog, Casey!

  3. Nice interview. I think gritty Inspirationals are a real draw because life is not all rainbows and butterflies. We need God in our lives to help make them better, to help make us better. Having read one of Shawna's books and about to read another, I know that this concept is something she understands and does well.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Shawna's books are fascinating! I'm a fan and was immediately upon reading my first one. I encourage you all to read her work. It is definitely inspired. She knows how to present principles and substance and keep interest high. It's a challenge to read her books and I promise you will be different when you complete one of her books. Thanks Shawna for your willingness to be used of God.
    Brenda Talley

  5. Enjoyed your interview very much!
    Good luck, Shawna!

  6. Follow Shawna's blog

  7. I LOVE ebook giveaways! :D Thanks a bunch!

    I'm also a follower.
    I'm also a subscriber.
    I also follow Shawna's blog.


  8. I like stories set in the 1920's thru 1950's. Please include me!

  9. I am an email subscriber


  10. I follow on GFC


  11. I follow My Father's Oldsmobile on GFC


  12. Enjoyed the interview very much. YAY for Inspirational fiction! Keep up the great work!

  13. Hi Shawna,

    I enjoyed your interview and learning more about you. It sounds as though your perspective on life is a blessing for your writing. Congratulations and best wishes for much more success.

  14. Please include me

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  15. Thanks for the giveaway. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good.

  16. Thanks for the interview and giveaway. I haven't heard of this author before and it's always nice to find new books to read.
    +1 GFC follower
    +1 Email subscriber
    +1 GFC follower on Shawna's blog

  17. would love to read shawna's latest novel...thanks for the chance,

    email subscriber
    follower, too

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. Would love to win! Never enough books. :)

    I'm a follower and a subscriber.

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

  19. thanks for the chance to win this book. It looks good.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. gfc follower
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. subscriber too

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. follower Shawna's blog too

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  23. Please enter me.


  24. This book looks interesting! Thanks for the giveaway Casey! I enjoyed learning about this book - I'd never heard of it before. :)

    I'm a follower!


  25. Hi, I would love to read this. Hope entries are accepted from the UK.

  26. Hi, I am unfamiliar w/ your work.

    I am a stay at home mom. I have brain cancer, and 2 pre-K girls that I home school, recently widowed.
    I want to enter b/c they 'said' I couldn't read and I CAN, just don't have a selection.
    New MRI Monday will tell more, but I'm still reading, and FULLY walking after a stroke- so I don't believe everything 'they' say. I am 34 and strong in love for Jesus.
    If I could 'win', I would be honored, and blessed to learn who you all are.
    God bless you in your work.
    Love in Christ,

  27. Nice interview. The books sounds wonderful! Congrats to the author on getting it published!



    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  28. Interesting interview! I am now curious to read her book. Please, enter me for this. I am already a subscriber and follower of your blog. *Thanks*

    gracethorson at gmail dot com

  29. Carman sent me. Please enter me.


  30. I have not read any of Shawna's books, but have been reading about them and they sound interesting - great interview. Thank you for the opportunity to sign up for your giveaway. Carman sent me!

    God Bless,


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)