Friday, January 21, 2011

Nearly "Cold Call" Friday!

The Results Are In!!
And the "Cold Call" author is....


You have until SUNDAY THE 23ND to log in with your questions for Laura. Keep them short, please as this is a cold call interview. Anything goes, favorite color, book, how long she's been writing, etc. I will only take up to EIGHT questions, though the interview happening or not does not hinge in how many questions I receive. I will be emailing Laura to let her know she is being "cold called." :-)

Story News

I exceeded 14K on my latest WIP this week and think I might be hitting my stride. Share your count, please do! I love to celebrate any and every success. :-) I also blogged yesterday on the Writer's Alley about "where has the fun in fiction gone". A wake up call for me personally as I am been doing a bit of struggling really getting into and enjoying the writing process again, so with prayer and a good kick in the pants, it has been nice to just sit down and write!

Ruminating Thoughts

Does anyone have an opinion on me announcing winners from my blog contest (the book giveaways) in these Friday posts? Much as I love blogging, I spend too much time doing it and should really be spending more time with my family and Christ, especially on the weekends and church. Thoughts? Opinions? I've been doing it for a year this way, but am not opposed to doing something different! I've changed my OEA status too.

Who Want's a Critique??


Carol, if you see this post before I get an email to you, go ahead and email me up to 10 pages and I'll share some time with you. :-) I'll be doing this giveaway of time next month sometime, so if you're still interested, be on the look out then. :-)

Re-Reading Challenge

I've read my first book in Amber over at Seasons of Humility's blog reading challenge. 1 down on the 20 books I said I would re-read in 2011. This is one fun challenge as I get to revisit all the books I love, but always thought I never had time to do. :-)

Blog Award!

Many thanks to Jane over at Reviews by Jane for this lovely award! I am honored. :-)

Here are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award

2. Share 7 things about yourself

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
Groooan, I am not good at these "7 things" , but I'll try. ;-)
  1. I fear snakes like the plague and dance in place with fright when I see one. (ooo, too much info there?)
  2. I convinced my dad to join FB, a task I deemed virtually impossible- until he asked for my help. ;-)
  3. I am NOT as old as everyone thinks I am
  4. On my birthday in 1881: William "Billy the Kid" Bonney was killed by Pat Garrett
  5. My sister once proclaimed I would have enough books to read until I was 50! I quickly proved her wrong. ;-)
  6. The simplest things make me happy- like finally having hand soap instead of harsh dish soap to wash my hands with.
  7. I strongly dislike goats.

LOL, harder, than it looks! I don't have 15 blogs to award this too, but I will awarding a few blogs that I don't happen to follow. Simply put, I only have so much time, but still think they are pretty awesome!

All in a Day's Thoughts
Project Journal
Edgy Inspirational Romance
Dark Glass Ponderings

I have scheduled this post, so if you happen to see this award, before I get to you, then go ahead and take it!

If you don't do blog awards, that is just fine too!

Thanks so much all for making this a fun blogging experience. :-)

Don't Forget Your "Cold Call" Questions for Laura!

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I feel so loved!

    Thanks, Casey!

    Now to decide what to send you...



  2. Casey, SO happy to be "cold called" as it really is quite a warm hug instead:) Looking forward to those questions. Love that sort of thing! Bless you and your readers today!

  3. @Carol, go ahead and send them whenever! :)

    @Laura, LOL, so glad you are able to do it!! I can't wait to see what comes through. :)

  4. Congratulations on your word count, Casey.

    I love the look of your blog, and the Cold Call feature sounds like lots of fun.

    Here's are two questions for Laura:

    I know your son Paul plays the violin, but have you ever picked it up and played (or attempted to play) it yourself?

    I know you live in Washington and that your heart's in Kentucky, but if you could choose a location for an all expense-paid, three-week visit to anyplace in the world, where would you go, and why would you choose that place?

  5. Great questions Keli! Someday your name will be on the vote. And thanks. :)

  6. Oh, fun. Questions for Laura.

    Oh, and thanks so much for the award! Please know it is appreciated very much!

    And why the hatred for goats? Just curious. :)

    Oh and a question for Mrs. Frantz:

    What kind of music do you like to listen to?

  7. Hello Casey! :) Happy Friday!

    My question for Laura:

    Do you have any future books in the works?

  8. Thanks so much Casey for the award! And congrats for hitting that awesome word count!

    I look forward to getting to know Laura better. So here's a question for her:

    What toppings does she like on her pizza?

  9. @Julia, you really wanna know?? Oh, I just find them obnoxious. I have to care for them when my neighbors leave on vacation and I don't mind that, but just have not had good experiences with them. I don't fear them like snakes though. LOL!

    @Ariel, Happy Friday to you too!! :D

    @Joy, ooo, GREAT question! I can't wait for that answer. :D

  10. I see by your profile that you enjoy cooking. Can you give us your favorite dish you make?

    Oh I don't like snakes...funny story, my BIL killed a big snake in his back yard...only to find out it was a harmless gopher snake. It took him years to get rid of the gophers..he needed that snake!

  11. @Maureen, oh too funny! A recipe is a good idea, I'll have to think about that...thanks. ;)

  12. Can't wait to see how Laura answers the questions!

    Thanks for the award. I truly appreciate it!

    ~ Wendy


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)