Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday's Post = Fellowship

Hey There!

I love to fellowship. I love to chat. I love people! Thanks for swinging by today, leave a comment, just take a peek, it's my day to share the 'fun' of life with you!! I hope you'll share in return.

1/3 Of The Way There

I hit 30,000 words this week! Not that many words written in a week, mind you! Just my total. :-) This story hasn't flown with the great word count as my last wip, which I think it is probably a good thing in this case. My writing is pretty choppy in my last WIP, which is going through the grinder as we speak. Ah the joy of rewrites. *grin*

Speaking of Rewrites...

Like I did last month, I would love to give a bit of time away to one of my readers, if you are interested for a critique. Of course, standard excuses apply, I'm not in any way "special" and you don't have to take anything I say, but it's a good learning experience, wouldn't you say?

It's or Its???

I tell you, I struggle with that one more than ANYTHING else! My computer is constantly yelling at me that I am spelling those wrong and putting them in the wrong context. Sheesh! What are your hot buttons you can't stop making mistakes on?

The Latest Edition to My "Dowry"

As in what is being stashed away in my hope chest. Have you heard of Longaberger? They make pottery and hand woven baskets, all created within the U.S of A. NOTHING is outsourced. I have a set of pottery I was getting for my future home when my aunt informed me they were going away for good! So I snagged a few pieces. The picture doesn't do it justice and I absolutely love them.

Newsletter Anyone?

Have you signed up for Julie Lessman's newsletter yet? You better, because I hear tell that maybe her next cover will be revealed within its depths and I KNOW there will be a sneak peek of her coming book. How many of you are as excited as I am?? Silly question I know. *grin*

One Year Old!!!

OEA on the 14th of February turns ONE YEAR OLD!! One year ago this month I set up a blog, got a few authors to guest and since that fateful first post with Julie Lessman a year ago, OEA has featured 49 authors as of this last week. What amazes me, is I don't even have to go looking for authors anymore, but they are finding me. I guess I'm in this for the long haul. Not that I wouldn't want to be. :-)


And the winner of Tracy Krauss's My Mother the Man-Eater is...


Jo, you have been emailed and have a week to get back with me. :-)

In My Mailbox 2/9/11

I have never read anything by Jenny B. Jones before, but I have heard only good things, so I'm holding high hopes for this novel! Can't wait to get the chance to dive in. :-)

Don't Forget!

Don't forget the Valentine's day blog party going on hosted by Amber at Seasons of Humility. My giveaway went up yesterday with an interview and giveaway with Kristin Billerbeck.

And on Monday we will all be posting with a giveaway and fun post, so plan to share your love story to be entered to win a book about... love! That will be Monday and I will also have a giveaway with Gail Pallota for her ebook, Love Turns the Tide. Busy, busy day in store, but fun!

Have a Stupendous Friday Everyone!!


  1. Casey, I love your blog and visit often.
    "Is it its or it's" is easy if everytime you ask yourself if you can say "it is" or not. If you can, then use the contraction: it's.
    It's (it is) an easy fix.

  2. Aww, thanks Debbie! I apprecaite knowing that. :) I have thought of that, but somehow my fingers are always getting ahead of my mind. Snicker. :)

  3. Love the pottery you're adding to your dowry! I enjoy reading your "stuff about life" posts. Blessings!

  4. Good morning, Casey! It's and its have tripped me up before, too, lol. The words that get me just about every time are the ones that have double consonants, like embarrassed, and occasion (good thing for auto spell check, or I would have just spelled that one wrong again!! I always double the s.)

    I love Longaberger! I don't have any of the pottery, but I do have about 9 of the baskets (though I haven't added any to my collection in quite some time). How wonderful that you've been able to add more of the pottery to your collection! It's so pretty! I collect Fiesta dishes in Scarlet and Cobalt, but could easily see myself collecting this Longaberger pottery as well. :-)

    And Julie's newsletter!!! YES!!! I'm am anxiously waiting as well!!! I know it's not a healthy thing, but I've been stalking my inbox looking for the newsletter. LOL! There's going to be LOTS of good stuff in there!!! :D

    Congrats on OEA's first birthday!

    Have a great day, my friend!

  5. @Renee Ann, so do I , I must admit. :) They are my favorite posts to write. :)

    @Michelle, oh I am so glad I'm not the only one stalking my inbox! Gives me a good excuse knowing there is someone else out there doing it. :)

    I LOVE my spell checker. Couldn't live without it and am always getting tripped up over "definitely" I always want to add the "a" instead of the second "i".

    My parents used to be Longaberger consultants when they lived in Alaska, so we have lots of baskets too. Great quality products.

    Thanks for coming by, ladies! :)

  6. You are in for a treat with Save the Date! It was my first book by Jenny B. Jones too and I loved it. I'll be checking out her backlist for sure. And I might have to add her the handful of authors on my favorites list...even if it means growing an extra finger.

    Speaking of critiques, I'd love to win one. But if I do, I would insist on returning the favor.

  7. Joy, growing an extra! I started it last night and agree, it's off to a great start!! And sure, you're the only one interested so would be fun to swap a critique. :) Have a great Saturday!!

  8. Such a beautiful blog and full of blessings.


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)