Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Series: Proverbs 31

The final section of Proverbs talks a great deal of the wife and the wife's duties. Not being married, it is my utmost priority to learn to be that godly wife before the time comes where I will step into that role. This series is every bit as much for me as it is written for you. Over the next several Wednesdays, join me as I journey through Proverbs 31:10-31 and the lessons to be gleaned.

Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character

A wife of noble character, who can find? she is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:10-12

What always strikes me about this phrase, is she bring him good not harm. What does that mean exactly? It means she values who he is. She has utmost respect for him and in that respect she brings him good and not harm, all the days of her life.

That is a long time! I can imagine how difficult it must be at times to truly respect your spouse. But I must think of the joy it brings the wife to show respect to her husband as the head of her household. We are instructed in scripture to honor our husbands and give them our respect, though this isn't to be confused with groveling.

I am blessed to be raised in a home where my mom is very respectful of my dad. That isn't to say she doesn't get frustrated with him at times. *grin* But she has been a supreme example of what being submissive means.

I was reading a Journal Jot from Julie Lessman recently and she often speaks of her deep love for her husband. And recently he asked her to cut back on her jots and spend more time with her family. As hard as that is for her favorite reader, I had to have utmost respect for her as she submitted to her husband's request-- and in that submission it has brought her great joy.

She was giving him good and not harm all her life long and her jot this last Friday was along those same lines. Visit her jot feature to see what I mean.

Relationships that are solidly based on the Word of God and the husband as the head of the household sets up an example of the wife being the helpmate to her husband. Where she can bring him good and not harm and he can have full confidence in her.

What inspiration to aspire to!


  1. Wow, this is so awesome that you are thinking about this while you are still single!! You will be an awesome wife when you do get married! I learned much of how this works AFTER I got married so you are so blessed that you have Christian parents that have modeled this.

  2. Very nicely written. It's wonderful that you have great examples. I know someone who was married twice and who lived by those scriptures. She was beaten down by her ungodly first husband, but raised up and honored by a second husband who followed God's plan. Make sure you marry God's choice for you first, even if you have to wait a long time.

  3. @ Julia, I hope and pray so! I do think about that often and hope that I can fulfill such a passage. :)

    @Debbie, oh so very true!! I completely agree, better to wait in peace then to live in misery.

    Thanks for stopping by today ladies! :)

  4. I agree, this is wonderfully written! I admire you, Casey, for thinking about this now while you are single. Nothing like building a solid foundation right from the start (or even before the start!). I've been married for almost 18 years, and the fist 13 of those I was not a Christian. I am so thankful for what I have learned in the past few years about being a "Proverbs 31" woman, about submission, and respect for my husband. It really has been life changing for our marriage, and I thank God everyday that it just keeps getting better and better!


  5. What a sweet story, Michelle! We should find some way for you to share that here. :) I think it must be the most freeing thing to live in such a godly relationship and one that works in the principles laid down in the Bible. I pray God will provide me such a man. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)