Monday, February 14, 2011

'Seasons of Love' Blog Party!!!

** Don't forget to visit Amber for the complete list of all of us paticipating in the blog hop.**


Rose petals...



And maybe a bit of PDA. *wink*

One of my most popular genres alive in the fiction world today is romance. It really doesn't take any particular "why", just the fact that people want to know LOVE!

The love between a parent and child.

The love of a spouse.

The love of CHRIST for His church. How blessed we are to be able to know that Christ loved us so much He died on the cross for us. And may that be what we remember above all else this day, to celebrate the presence of His LOVE in our lives.

May we not become lost in the who forgot to send a Valentine. May we not become caught up in the superfical, but may we be reminded and found so IN LOVE with the love of Christ.


Leave a comment sharing a bit of your love story for a chance to win this book (if you don't have a love story, you can still enter, so no worries! It's just a fun time to share)

And the winner of Kristin Billerbeck's A Billion Reasons Why is...


(dancealert...) Brenda, you have been emailed, so be on the lookout!

The winner of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico will be announced on Friday's post.

And also, all this week and next on the Alley we will be celebrating LOVE!! Sure to have some really fun posts. 


  1. My love story starts with a single mom with four kids(me) who meets her prince(my husband) On our first date he sang 'Feels So Right' by Alabama and we've been together almost 25 years.

  2. My love story ended badly with the man, but it brought me to Christ 18 years ago, and I have a wonderful son, so I consider it a happy ending!

    priviesandprims at yahoo dot com

  3. My love story started when a guy that I had met who had dated my best friend the year before came to say good-bye because he was leaving for boot camp. We wrote every day that he was in boot camp and started dating as soon as he got out. We were born in New York City. He joined the Navy to see the world and his first duty station was the Brooklyn Receiving Station. We have been married for 47 years.


  4. My love story for my husband starts when we were both in high school. We began dating, although we'd known each other as friends for a couple of years. Dating lead to our marriage. And here we are, still very happily married...41 years later!

  5. My love story starts in a church college class when my future husband stated he was a bachelor til the rapture. Twenty-five years later we are still in love!!

  6. My love story began with my husband began when we were in the 9th grade. We got married 7 years later, and we are coming up on 18 years married this year. 25 years together!! I love him more everyday! My love story with Christ began August 6, 2006, when I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.

    And I agree with you 100%, Casey, "May we not become caught up in the superficial, but may we be reminded and found so IN LOVE with the love of Christ."

    I have Lena's book, so no need to enter me into the giveaway. : )


  7. My love story is a painful one :/ I was dating a Mormon (I'm Christian) and our religious differences were just not working out, and we fought a lot. So I broke up with him. That was about a year ago, so it's painful to realize I miss him.


  8. My husband and I were scouring an art fair when we bumped into a colleague from work. She pointed to all the fancy and expensive booths and said "See anything you can't live without?" and my husband immediately pointed to me and said, "just her". My colleague melted along with me.
    bigpinelodge at gmail dot com

  9. Well, I don't have a love story yet, so I can't participate. But I wanted to tell you Happy Valentine's Day! And I love all things love-related in books, too. :)

  10. My love story started in college when my husband asked my roommate for our phone number so he could give me a call. (No cell phones back then. LOL).

  11. Hmm...I don't have a love story yet! :-) But...what if I told you my parents? Would that count?

    Well, they met in highschool - through the karate class they took together. My dad was 16. He knew right then he wanted to marry here - always tells me he fell in love with her after the first kick!! :-P lol He stuck by here through everything and they got married just after he turned 18. I always think it was a pretty sweet story!!

    ~ Katy

  12. Casey,

    This is a wonderful post! :) I love what you say here especially:

    "May we not become lost in the who forgot to send a Valentine. May we not become caught up in the superfical, but may we be reminded and found so IN LOVE with the love of Christ."

    I need to remember this, for sure! God is so good. :) This morning I came across this verse in Psalm 73 (v. 25), and I was so blessed by it:

    "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee."

    I'm so ashamed that I think "yes!" when I read this and then go about my day and feel sad that I can't go on a date or get flowers from a guy... If it's God's will, that time will come in His own perfect timing. But no matter whether I marry or not, "there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee," my Lord! :)

    Thank you for participating in the party, Casey!


  13. Mine began 47 years ago...we dated for 2 years and will be married 45 years in March!! And they said it wouldn't last! :]


  14. I met and married my husband in high school and they said it wouldn't last. Through all the storms and tribulations, tears, and joy, we're are still together, almost 40 years later.

  15. BTW Carman sent me and I would love to win this book! This is one of the most beautiful blogs I have ever seen!

  16. Carmen sent me too! My love story came about after a very abusive marriage. I was terrified to let myself fall in love again, but with the love and faith of a man who helped me tear down the wall I had around me...well I found myself trusting again, and now we've been married 29 yrs and I thank God everyday for him.
    Thank you for the entry in your giveaway...I'd love a chance to win Lena's book.



  17. No love story. I have been single for the past 28 years and don't plan to change that.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  18. After a bad relationship I met my Prince Charming and we have been together for 18 years! I love him so much!

  19. my love story continues after 20+ years of marriage
    thanks for the chance to win

  20. My husband and I were friends first. In fact, I helped him plan a romantic dinner for a girl he was dating. Turned out my boyfriend cheated on me, his girlfriend did the same thing a few months later. It took us a while but we realized we both wanted the same things in life. I was in the military and suddenly ordered overseas. We hadn't been dating that long and thought it would probably mean the end.

    He ended up talking to my dad (who was also overseas) to ask permission and then sending me a huge box full of teddy bears and a video where he got on one knee and proposed to me.

    The funny part is that by the time I got out and was sent home, he was sent away to school somewhere else. In order to take care of me and allow me access to his house, medical and all that - he arranged a marriage by proxy. I was there and he had a signed paper in his place. We remarried in a church a year later - and lived happily ever after.

  21. I have no love story yet. However, could you enter me anyway? Instead, I'll recommend a book with a good love story: The Heart's Journey Home, by Jen Stephens. Very good.

    Carman sent me!


  22. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and have been married for 24 years ~ I'd love to win this book ;.)
    kkfoster35 at msn dot com

  23. No love story..yet ;) but please enter me!

  24. I see that other people are still entering even though they don't have a love story yet, so I'll join in to if that is okay! Thanks!

    leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

  25. My love story started just before I entered my senior year in high school, and it went fast by Christmas we were engaged and on March 17, 1961 we were married. We already had our home furnished and ready, so no honeymoon we just went home and on Monday he went to work and I went back to school. I graduated with my class. Still in love with this same man and after raising 4 children we will be celebrating our Golden Wedding anniversiary this March 17, 2011. 50 years seem like a long time but then I look again and it seems as yesterday.

    Please enter me for this book


  26. My love story begins when I met my prince in college............. and lived happily ever after.

  27. "It's a love story, baby just say yes." =) Haha, reading some of these awesome posts ... I think they'd make great songs! I don't have a love story --in the mortal, romantic sense-- but I know that through Christ is where a true love story can be found. I'm learning more and more that I need to rely on HIM and not be discouraged or rush to get rid of my "single" state. God's timing, not ours. =)

    Thanks for the chance to win Ms. Casey!


  28. My love story ended after 47 years of marriage when my husband passed away.

  29. The first guy I fell in love with is now my husband and we are still very much in love!


    Oh, and Carman sent me.

  30. Is it too late to enter? We were in New Mexico this past summer and loved it!
    Oh and my love story is still going on. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)