Friday, February 18, 2011

The 'Stuff of Life' Friday

It's Friday!!!

I am most assurdly like Julie Lessman when it comes to Fridays. Bring. Them. On!! I spend just as much time on my computer, I do just as much work, but it seems to be more relaxed with the hope-filled promise that the weekend is near.

Half Way There!!

I crested 45,000 words on my WIP this week. Wow, what a gift that was. I'm not churning out ten grand a week like I did on my last WIP and I even go so far as to struggle to hit 2500 in a day, so to hit THAT this week is pretty dog gone exciting.

Coming Soon

I promised a series on purity before marriage, in body, mind and spirit and I haven't forgotten! I have my guests all lined up and the date is tentatively set for the first week of April. I think you are really going to like this series and the stories that will come out it.

On the Alley

I blogged yesterday on The Writer's Alley about The Perfect Proposal Plan and I shared a story about how my Daddy proposed to my Mama. Check it out if you get the chance!

I will also be guest blogging on Reflections in Hindsight on Saturday about my minstry over at OEA and what has been happening lately. Hope you can stop on by and say "hi!"

In My Mailbox: 2/14/11

I trade with Powells. An online bookstore and the other week I got to use my store credit (with free shipping) and got THIS in my mailbox on Monday. What a fun, fun treat! I can't think of anything better to get in the mail on a cold, windy day.

What Do You Like?

I know what I like to blog about, but do you have any ideas that you think would be enjoyable? I would enjoy your feedback and and input, as my readers, I would like to know that you are finding what you enjoy reading on my blog. More series, post on writing, devotionals? I'm always open to new ideas as sometimes the creativity moves slowly in my gray matter... more heads are better are one! *smile*

I Have Winners!! (Lotsa Winners!!)

I think I have a total of three, bear with me...

The winner of a bit of time shared to peek at her "edgy romance" is..


(Joy, if you see this before I get the chance to email you, go ahead and email me 10 pages)

The winner of Love Finds You in Golden, New Mexico is...


And the winner of Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones (which I loooooved, btw) is...


One Question Friday

I have read some great books lately, one of my favorites this year so far as been Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones, sooo good! So my question for you, what's the last great book that you read?

*credit for this question title goes to Wendy over at Thoughts that Move

Have a Great Friday!!

Next Friday is Cold Call with Mary Coneally, don't miss it!


  1. I've heard excellent things about Home Another Way.

    I read a book called Mudbound recently that nailed 6 POVs. I know you don't read outside CBA books, but the author did a great job.

    So cool how you credited me. ;)

    Happy Friday and Congrats to the winners.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Wendy, I read her second book and loved it, so I'm thinking this one will be good too, she has a great way with words. :)

    Wow, 6 POVs is a lot to work with, it must have been easy to follow though if you liked it. :)

    Thanks for swinging by today!

  3. Congrats on reaching 45K on your WIP! That's awesome! It looks like it was a great week for you especially since you got all those great looking books! I might have to check that site if I need more books :-P

    The last great book I read was probably Save the Date! I've read A Billion Reasons Why and I'm in the middle of Dining with Joy but Save the Date is definitely going to be my fave. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  4. Thanks Renee! Powells is a great site, I love it, it is 100% free because THEY pay for the shipping, can't get better than that! I just waited to get $50 credit so I could get free shipping on this order. :)

    Dining with Joy was sooo good! Made my favorite list last year I think...and Save the Date, yes, yes, LOVED IT!! :D

  5. I'm new to your blog and so glad I stopped by! That smorgasboard of books you received is making me drool. My pulse speeds up whenever I'm in a book store!

    This is the second time I've seen Jenny B. Jones' latest book. I might have to order it!

  6. Thank you Jill, glad you stopped by! I know, I'm the same way with new books, talk about fun!! A bookstore is my favorite place to visit. :)

    Do check out Jenny's book,very good!

    Thanks for visiting today!! :)

  7. Yay! Thanks Casey, I can't wait to get this LFY book in the mail! :-) favorite book of 2011 so far? I think I'd have to say DiAnn Mills newest book, The Fire In Ember. I just really liked that book! :-) Close behind that book are Lady in the Mist and Words! All three were awesome reads!!

    ~ Katy

  8. You are welcome Katy! It's all ready to send out to you. :)

    I'm so glad DiAnn's book is good as I am getting it to review myself! Words was awesome too, I agree! :)

  9. Casey -

    I adored Save the Date too. Made me cry yesterday :(.

    And YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!! for passing 45K!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!

    Love it!


    Huh. Captcha: dryoldsq - should there be an uid at the end of that? Dry Old Squid?

  10. Whoo hoo! Hurray for passing 45k! And thanks for the critique! :)

    I've been raving about Save the Date for weeks, but I read another fantastic book right before that called The Help.

    I see you have Driftwood Lane in that pile...that was another really good one.

  11. @Carol, thanks for celebrating with me, now onto the next 45K!!!! Oh too funny on that captcha, I get some strange ones sometimes. :)

    @Joy, I was thinking of you when I ordered that book. I wanted to read it when it came out, but your review made it more tantalizing. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by, I love to hear from those who traffic my blog! Have a wonderful day. :)