Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can You Laugh At the Days to Come? (Proverbs 31 Series)

Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. She is clothed with dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31: 23-25

Her husband is respected at the city gate...that speaks volumes in my opinion about what kind of man this virtuous woman has married. She has chosen wisely in her choice of a spouse.

There is mantra about my house: it matters who you marry.You don't jump off the deep end of the pool the instant the first infatuation comes along, you must walk with eyes wide open and lead your heart into the truth beyond the flutter of the moment. Young ladies, this is for you: don't obey the flutters of your heart. They will take flight and abandon you. Don't ever blindly follow a path because it "looks" good. Looks are very often deceiving.

Switching gears...

Can you laugh at the days to come? This is HUGE for me. I can be a worrywart. The uncertainty of the future, especially in our day in age bothers me. And I often stew about tomorrow and forget I'm not GUARANTEED tomorrow, I only have today. If you read my bio you know I try to stay in the moment and for the most part I do. And when I read this passage, I am reminded just how important it is NOT to worry.

Christ admonishes against just that in Matthew 6:25-34. Why worry about what you DON'T HAVE YET??

So laugh at tomorrow! Those days aren't here, we shouldn't do anything but be grateful for the moment we are in and be like the wise wife in Proverbs 31.

Join me and laugh at the days to come!


  1. This is a terrific post - and something that I think will speak to most women. I think we all have the propensity to worry. A few months ago I realized that when I worry I play with my necklace so I started wearing a cross so that when I begin to worry I'm immediately reminded to cast my cares upon him.

    Thanks, dear. Have a wonderful day!

  2. What a wonderful reminder Gina! I love it. :) Thanks for visiting today!


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