Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Some Pretty Exciting News...

I interrupt our regularly scheduled book review to present some pretty stickin' exciting news. :-)

Not ONLY is this the cover to Julie Lessman's next release...Not ONLY is this book on preorder here...Not ONLY does this have to be the most highly anticipated book to release this year...BUT


Three weeks ago I won Julie's name a character contest and now a subordinate character in A Heart Revealed will share my name!

Wow, getting a hot flash just thinking about it. My FAVORITE author has given me the gift sure to not be topped for YEARS to come, by cementing my name in the halls of one of her BOOKS! Wow.

Just had to share that bit of news. :-)


  1. That is SOOO exciting, Casey. BIG congrats to you! :-D

    Now not only would I like to get the book so I can read my first Julie Lessman book, but now so I can hunt down your name within it's pages! :-P

    ~ Katy

  2. Awesome!!! I cannot wait for this book!!!

    Michelle V

  3. That is SO AWESOME Casey!!!
    I am really looking forward to reading this book. I just finished reading all Julies other books, so I cant wait for this one to come out!!

  4. Woohoo! Can't wait to see what Julie will "do" with your character! I think all of us Writer's Alley gals hope it will include the "k" word. :)

  5. Pretty neat :) Congrats to you.

  6. Thanks Ladies!! I feel blessed, it was exciting just doing it for Julie to begin with! :)

    KATY, you've NEVER read one of Julie's books???? There is just something WAY wrong with that! LOL, you're going to want to start at the beginning though and maybe your library has them...??

  7. Congratulations, Casey!!!

    Definitely super exciting! :D I can't wait to see what your namesake will be like... ;)


  8. Yay, that's so exciting for you! I remember reading this in her newsletter, but I forgot to say congrats. I cannot wait for this book.

  9. CASE!!! Girl, I get a "hot flash" thinking about it every time, too, but uh ... I think mine might be chalked up to age, although I am SOOO excited to see one of my ALL-TIME favorite bloggers (and dear friends!)in the pages of my book!! Another good friend of both of us, Michelle Tuller, will have her name in as well, but NOBODY will have the page coverage of the #1 winner -- Casey Miranda Herringshaw!!!

    And, JULIA ... the "k" word??? Uh, yeah, and then some ... :)

    KATY ... we are going to have to get you on the O'Connor bandwagon, darlin', or maybe I should say the "passion" bandwagon!! I am giving away a signed copy of any of my books tomorrow on Seekerville, so be sure to stop by, okay? And I will be giving another away at Amber's blog at the end of the month, so check calendar tab of my website to find the dates and links.

    Thanks again, Case, for being YOU!!


  10. JULIA, I think if Julie is any indication it will have a "k" work or two. Oye.;) See? I said I didn't any help the other night. :)

    AMBER, Nothing like me if what Julie says is true!

    Thanks Sara!!

    JULIE!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!! September is so very far awayyyy! But I know it will be so worth it and I will FINALLY have a signed Julie book!! That's one big deal for me right there.

    Thanks for coming by everyone to share in my excitement!! :D

  11. Very exciting for you. Can't wait to read it.


  12. Awww...Casey...sorry. I'll try to do a better job of sticking up for you next time :)

    You know we all love you though :)

  13. TERRI, thanks, it's bound to be great!! Julie's writing it! :0

    JULIA, awe, you're just fine! And I know you all do, I'm blessed to be sure. And teased. ;) And harrassed. ;) But loved! :)

  14. Congrats! Must be so awesome to be in one of Julie's books! I myself am really excited about her newest book too.

  15. This is exciting news, Casey, and quite an honor. I had to laugh, though, when I read about you getting a hot flash. You are so young; just wait till you get older and really have hot flashes!
    Congratulations on having your name in Julie's book. I am looking forward to reading it.

  16. FAYE, it's going to be a GREAT book, it has to be, Julie is writing it! :)

    PAM, lolol! Very true, but I kid you not when I saw I won, I couldn't stop shaking and got all hot.

    Thanks for sharing in the fun!! It's been hard waiting to tell you all, but I wanted her book cover on the post. ;)

  17. Big CONGRATS to the girl who knocked me into 2nd place!! LOL!! :D I'm very happy to share the honor with you!! What a blessing to have our names in one of Julie's books for ALL TIME!! Exciting FOR SURE!!

    Can't wait for September!

  18. Oh, I'm so happy you did a special post about this, girl! Super congrats (again ;) ) on having your name in a book, and not just any book but one by your favorite author :) Hmmmm, I wonder who you'll be k******??? Too bad Colin's already spoken for, LOL ;)


  19. Casey and Julie - I know! Isn't it a shame?! *sigh*

    I entered giveaways a few months ago when A Hope Undaunted came out, but no luck there. Thanks for the tips, Julie! I will be sure to stop by - it's worth a try! :-D

    ~ Katy

  20. MICHELLE, I KNOW RIGHT??? There is no erasing that evidence, lol! It's going to be SUCH fun reading the book and knowing the woman behind that name. :)

    AMANDA, LOL that the word K**** is wrong to say?? Just kidding. I get such a kick out it. And I know, pout, pout this girl doesn't get her favorite hero. But then again, I would NEVER want to break up a marriage, or I wouldn't want my CHARACTER (this is not based on me at all) to. :)

    KATY, we are going to solve this problem one way or the other, because you will be HOOKED once you get started. :)

  21. I saw the announcement in Julie's newsletter and that is sooo awesome! I couldn't believe how many reviews you posted, you totally deserve it.

    XOXO~ Renee

  22. I am SO happy for you, Casey! :D How exciting!

    Congrats! (I can't wait to see what your character is like.) :)

  23. Congrats Casey.. So excited for you.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


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